Former Glentoran teen star keen to follow Trai Hume's path for club and country

Photo shows Rhys Walsh in action for Northern Ireland Under 17s
-Credit: (Image: Domenic Aquilina/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Former Glentoran teenage star Rhys Walsh has the perfect role model to follow at Sunderland.

The 17-year-old has hit the ground running since completing a deadline switch to Wearside back in January. Two goals and three assists in 10 Under-18 games in the second half of the season further enhanced Walsh's reputation at the Stadium of Light.

The teenager is determined to kick on again this season with Sunderland's Under-18 and Under21 squad. And having Trai Hume at the club, who completed the same journey as Walsh from the Irish League to the north east of England, is the perfect inspiration for the talented young star.

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“Hume has shown that pathway is there," Walsh told the Sunderland website. "Playing in the Irish league, making that transition and now being a regular starter.

“You can see how integral he and [Daniel] Ballard are to the side. I know I can learn a lot from their work ethic and general gameplay.”

Walsh has settled into life with the Black Cats with relative ease after signing a two-and-a-half year deal with the club. He is determined to keep working hard to make his mark at the Championship club.

“I have loved every minute so far,” Walsh said. “A lot of hard work has gone in to get me to Sunderland and I can’t thank my family enough for their support.

"My Dad was always at every training session and every game. I am raring to go for the new campaign. I have learnt a lot already from my short time in Sunderland. I know the hard work doesn’t stop but I am excited for what is to come. You’re always learning and adapting.

“There was an initial big adjustment moving to the area and losing those home comforts, but I love the area, I love the people here and I know I have a really good foundation to push on.”

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