Former Miss England Georgia Jones to join elderflower pickers at Belvoir Farms' annual harvest

Belvoir Farm, the soft drinks manufacturer, has joined forces with TV personality, model and former Miss England Georgia Jones to mark the 40th anniversary of its elderflower harvest and renowned cordial. The aim is to make this year's harvest the best one yet.

Georgia, who is married to McFly frontman Danny Jones, will be actively participating in the harvest. The unique event invites locals and those from neighbouring counties to pick flowers in exchange for cash.

She will also be encouraging people to join in on the event, which has become a well-loved part of the Pick Your Own calendar.

Belvoir Farm was established in 1984 when director Pev Manner's mother Mary created an elderflower cordial in their home kitchen. The cordial was made using the small flowerheads that used to overflow into the garden.

To commemorate the year, Georgia will be hosting a VIP and community 80's-themed vintage tea party in the elderflower fields at Belvoir Farm on 5th June. She'll be inviting celebrity friends to celebrate, pick flowers and meet local pickers, some of whom have been returning annually since the harvest began.

"I'm a country girl at heart and a big fan of Belvoir Farm, so I'm really excited to be involved in this wonderful event", says Georgia. "It's going to be great to experience the whole process, from picking the flowers to seeing them transformed into delicious cordial. I think what makes it really special is that, to this day, the local community is involved in its creation. It really is the perfect taste of the British countryside."

She adds, "The tea party dress code will be vintage floral to celebrate 40 years and I can't wait for everyone to get dressed up in their floral finest to come and enjoy a fabulous elderflower tea party in the fields."

The company's elderflower harvest has a crucial four-week blooming season when the flowers are at their peak, running from the end of May to the end of June. Picking takes place from Belvoir Farm's own 60-acre organic plantation and wild hedgerows found across Leicestershire and the company's neighbouring counties.

To ensure product freshness, pickers are encouraged to pick and drop-off to Belvoir Farm's weighing stations on the same day. Pickers are paid in cash (£3.50 per kilo) once the elderflowers have been weighed and verified.

Belvoir Farm is celebrated for its dedication to working in harmony with nature, honouring the rural landscape, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Now under the stewardship of Pev, the farm continues to employ time-honoured techniques such as handpicking, blending, and infusing, capturing a taste of the English countryside in their products that are completely free from artificial ingredients and presented in recyclable packaging.

Pev remarked: "This is a landmark year for our business and elderflower harvest, and I'm incredibly proud of our team and what we've achieved. We've always chosen to make our drinks the proper way, not the easy way, and we get an incredible response from the community, with some of our original elderflower pickers from the early years still coming back to get involved. Whether you're a seasoned or first-time picker, we'd love to welcome you to the farm to experience this special occasion."

For more details on the Belvoir Farm 2024 Elderflower Harvest, head over to