Former pensioners' club on Anglesey could be knocked down for 'affordable' housing

The former London Road senior citizens' welfare club  could be knocked down if housing plan accepted
The former London Road senior citizens' welfare club could be knocked down if housing plan accepted -Credit:Google Map

Planners will consider a scheme to demolish a former senior citizens' welfare club in Holyhead amid plans to develop two "affordable" homes. Anglesey County Council has received an outline application for the demolition of the pensioners' club building on London Road.

The proposal also seeks permission for the erection of two affordable dwellings, together with the construction of a new vehicular access and parking area on the land. The vacant club site was last used in 2019.

The applicant is listed as Peter Bagri through the agent Dafydd Edwards of Cynllun Plans Drawn. The planning documents state the proposal would see the provision of two three bedroom homes. Get the best island stories from our Anglesey newsletter.

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The application stated: "The site comprises of a dilapidated building that was the former Senior Citizens' Welfare Centre on London Road, Holyhead. The building has an asbestos roof the condition of which made internal access not possible due to the risk."

The proposed development is surrounded on two sides by residential dwelling with the Gwynedd Shipping Depot to the rear and London Road to the north.

The report concluded: "The lack of access points in the roof and tight windows and doors means there is negligible potential for bats to be roosting in the building.

"The survey area and immediate surrounds is considered to provide low suitability foraging and commuting habitat for bat species due to the well-lit urban setting and lack of connecting habitat and suitable foraging habit."

Although the timing of an ecological survey was outside of the bird nesting season "no current evidence of nesting birds was recorded on areas affected by the proposed development. The report stated: "This development is very unlikely to impact on protected or notable species."

If necessary, the plans proposed mitigation measures including the use of "swift nesting bricks".

It also advised if the proposed work was not undertaken within 24 months from the date of this assessment, a repeat survey would need to be carried out due to the "potential for deterioration of the roof structure and the creation of potential roost features." Planners have yet to make a decision on the application.

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