Former Rangers director awarded £500,000 in malicious prosecution action

-Credit: (Image: SNS Group)
-Credit: (Image: SNS Group)

A former director of Rangers FC has been awarded more than £500,000 after suing Scotland’s top law officer for malicious prosecution.

Imran Ahmad was among seven arrested in relation to fraud stemming from the club’s administration more than a decade ago, with the charges against six being dropped and the seventh - Craig Whyte - being cleared at trial.

Former lord advocate James Wolffe KC later apologised to Ahmad and Charles Green, saying they should not have been prosecuted.

On Wednesday, a letter from Solicitor General Ruth Charteris KC to the Criminal Justice Committee announced the final damages to be awarded to Ahmad.

Following a decision from Lord Harrower on Tuesday, he will be due £517,755 for the malicious prosecution.

Ahmad had been seeking £60m, but according to the decision, he offered to settle the case in 2019 in exchange for an apology.

“The malicious prosecutions brought by the Crown following the insolvency of Rangers had been a national scandal,” the submissions for Ahmad referred to in the judgment stated. “As early as February 2019, the pursuer had offered to settle his dispute with the Lord Advocate in return for an apology.

“No reply having been received to that proposal, he was required to raise proceedings.

“These were initially met with a denial. It was not until 12 August 2020 that the Scottish Government wrote to the pursuer’s then solicitors, admitting that the prosecution was malicious and advising that damages would be paid and an apology issued.

“However, no formal admission of liability was made until 1 October 2020.

“Notwithstanding that admission, the Lord Advocate had never made any sort of offer, whether by way of judicial tender or informally, at any stage.”

Writing to the committee, the Solicitor General said: “I shall be carefully considering the content of the Opinion over the coming days.

“There remains ongoing the independent consideration by Shelagh McCall KC of allegations of criminal conduct during the original investigation and prosecution.

“Both the Lord Advocate and I are committed to further accountability and a process of inquiry once all legal proceedings have concluded.”

David Whitehouse and Paul Clark, who were appointed joint administrators of Rangers in February 2012, were also among those to have charges against them dropped and were awarded more than £20m.

The company they worked for was given £15m and Green received £6.3m.

Audit Scotland reported last year the final bill could top £60m.

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