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Former sorority member claims she got kicked out after she questioned leadership decisions: 'Literally psychotic'

Yet another TikToker is coming clean about what living in a sorority is really like, and once again, it doesn’t paint a very positive picture.

According to @iambabyduck, the college senior spent years in Greek life until recently when she allegedly started asking fellow sisters their opinions on how the house was being run — and claimed she was kicked out for it.

“its actually laughable how they treat people,” the TikToker wrote in her post caption.

After the video went viral, dozens of commenters started begging for more details about what went down, and in a series of follow-up videos, @iambabyduck proceeded to share her side of the story.

Based on some photos and footage she included in the series, it appears she was a part of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority at the University of Alabama.

A chapter at the University of Alabama did not immediately reply to In The Know’s request for comment.

“I care a lot less about actually getting kicked out than I do about how they’ve handled everything,” the TikToker clarified in her second post about the incident.

She then goes on to call the whole thing “ridiculous,” accusing people within her sorority of being “immature” and “unprofessional” for how they’ve treated her.

In fact, the student claims that she wasn’t even going to go public with what happened until she received an anonymous text from someone urging her not to talk about it on TikTok — and that, if she did, it would “look bad” and be “embarrassing” for her.

“That was really the straw that broke the camel’s back for me,” @iambabyduck shared before diving into the details.

According to the TikToker, she and some of her fellow sorority sisters were allegedly called to a “standards” meeting that came with no agenda or explanation. After the meeting was postponed several times for various reasons, a small group of those invited started talking more candidly in a private group chat.

Turns out, many of them felt the same way about things: frustrated over how sorority execs and advisors were running things and ignored whenever they tried to suggest improvements of any kind.

“We feel disrespected. We feel looked down upon a lot of times if we don’t fit into their perfect mold of what a perfect Alpha Gam should be,” the TikToker continued in her second video.

After chatting more about their grievances, a group of seniors decided to create a small survey to see if others were feeling the same way. While @iambabyduck admits she was the one to create and send out the survey, she insists it was all completely anonymous and intended to bring about positive change if — and only if — many others were feeling the same way.

A new standards meeting was scheduled, during which @iamducky was grilled by high-up members in the organization and allegedly told by one that what she did was “the most disrespectful thing” the member had ever seen someone do to the sorority’s executive board.

She was also put on “emergency member status,” which appears to be a probation period imposed while her membership was under review.

As a result, @iambabyduck claimed she was disinvited to the upcoming Parents Weekend, which left her parents in an awkward spot since they had already taken time off work and booked flights as well as a hotel for the special event.

Finally, a review meeting was set to determine @iambabyduck’s status, as well as that of two other members in the house. All three members were told they could read a letter defending themselves before the board, but before it even began, the TikToker claimed her access to the sorority house was cut off — leading her to believe they had already made up their minds.

@iambabyduck claimed in a video that she repeatedly asked the board to explain to her what rule she had violated in the sorority handbook. Though she wasn’t getting any answer, she later saw that an update was made to the bylaws shortly before her review meeting, which would make what she did against the rules. However, she claimed that none of this was done through vote or discussion, per the guidelines.

Needless to say, @iambabyduck then found herself kicked out of the sorority despite the fact that she only has two months left of school until her senior year — and her entire college career — is over.

Many people couldn’t help but weigh in in the comments after listening to the whole saga.

“They’re literally psychotic,” one person said of the sorority board. “They’re THAT distraught about a survey.”

“CHANGED THE BYLAWS WITHOUT A VOTE???” someone else exclaimed. “WHAAAAAT???”

“This is EMBARRASSING ON THEIR END,” another person wrote. “They should be nervous now.”

Others called the sorority sisters power-hungry “mean girls,” while some suggested the TikToker sue and get her money back for all the years she wasted there.

At the end of the day, @iambabyduck insists she doesn’t have animosity toward the majority of the girls she met through the sorority.

“I love and respect 99% of the girls in that house,” the TikToker shared in her final video.

As for the girls who actually lived in the house with @iambabyduck, she says they’ll be her friends for life and knows they have her back. But when it comes to going head-to-head with the advisors and executive board, she has no regrets about how she handled things.

“You can only treat people so poorly for so long until someone’s going to push back,” the TikToker declared.

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