Former Winchester mayor Derek Green to stand trial for alleged sex assault on teenage girl at fireworks display

Winchester's former mayor will face trial for allegedly sexually assaulting a teenage girl at a fireworks display he was attending as an official guest.

It's claimed Derek Green touched the 16-year-old inappropriately over her clothing on Bonfire Night in 2022.

Green did not stand for re-election following the allegation and the 67-year-old has indicated he will plead not guilty.

He has opted for his case to be heard at the city's crown court, where a plea and trial preparation hearing will take place on 14 February.

On Thursday, the chairman of the panel at Basingstoke Magistrates' Court, Glen Bertram, granted him unconditional bail.

A spokesman for Hampshire Police said: "It was reported that a 16-year-old girl was touched inappropriately over clothing at the Winchester bonfire and fireworks display at River Park on Saturday November 5 2022.

"Mr Green was attending the event as the mayor of Winchester, and the incident is alleged to have occurred while in attendance on official duty.

"He was stood down from further engagements and did not stand for re-election in May 2023."

Green called it a "great honour" when he became mayor of the Hampshire city in 2022. The mayoralty dates back to 1200 and is the second-oldest in England.