Four vegetables to plant in July that need little effort but grow quickly

Gardeners shares four vegetables to plant in July that requite hardly any effort
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Summer has arrived, meaning most gardeners will be out enjoying the warmer weather - but July is also a great time to plant.

It's the ideal month to create a vegetable garden, as the sun does most of the work and you can sit back and watch your crops flourish.

Gardening expert Dan Cooper, also known as The Frustrated Gardener, says July is all about relaxed sowing.

He said: "There is plenty to be done in the garden but in much less of a hurry than in March, April, May or June."

"This leaves time for relaxation, contemplation, planning and entertaining. It's so important that we take time out to enjoy our outdoor spaces, otherwise, why should we bother? ", reports the Express.

July's warm soil and long, light days are perfect for salad vegetables, which will germinate and grow in no time.

Dan said: "Continue sowing salad crops in small quantities until late summer. Unless you have a lot of mouths to feed, a pinch of seed of each variety sown every three to four weeks will be enough to keep your kitchen well supplied."

And the good news is, weeds will likely have peaked earlier in the season, making July an ideal time to grow your own with very little maintenance.

1. Salad leaves.

Growing salad leaves in July can be quite rewarding, as they can be ready for harvest in as little as four to six weeks after planting.

All that's required is well-drained, moist soil enriched with compost to ensure the salad plants grow quickly.

There are numerous varieties to choose from, including spinach, kale and Swiss chard, ensuring you'll have a fresh, crisp salad straight from your garden in no time.

2. French beans.

French Beans are straightforward to sow in summer as they don't require support structures like other bean plants do and tend to mature much earlier.

They can be planted directly into the soil and will yield an abundant crop as long as they are watered deeply and receive at least six to eight hours of sunlight every day.

If you choose the right variant, French beans can be ready to harvest just seven to eight weeks after planting.

3. Kohlrabi.

Kohlrabi, also known as a German turnip, is perfect for adding to stews, soups and curries due to its slightly sweet and peppery taste.

They have a very short growing period, taking around 50 to 60 days from planting to harvest.

Plant kohlrabi seeds in well-draining but consistently moist soil and ensure the crop gets at least six hours of sun a day for quick growth.

4. Dill, coriander and parsley.

Growing certain herbs in summer is incredibly simple as they can be planted in a container and then left in a sunny part of the garden.

Ensure that the containers have good drainage and moisture retention, and you'll soon have a bounty of herbs at your disposal.

Dill and coriander usually reach harvest stage four to six weeks after planting, while parsley takes a bit longer, typically maturing in eight to 12 weeks.