Fourteen new officers provide further boost to Dumfries and Galloway policing levels

Fourteen new police officers have recently joined the force in Dumfries and Galloway – just six months after a dozen others were recruited.

The additional 26 new police officers are badly needed after it was revealed in late 2023 that the region has seen the largest reduction rate in officer numbers among Scotland’s policing divisions.

Nearly four years ago Dumfries and Galloway had 406 full-time equivalent officers, however that number had fallen to 349 this time last year.

With Police Scotland making unpopular cuts, particularly in such a large region, there were serious concerns raised about the level of service and public safety.

Around six months ago, elected members instructed council leader Gail Macgregor to send a letter to the Scottish and UK governments pleading for more cash for policing.

The issue of officer numbers was raised again at Dumfries and Galloway Council’s police, fire and rescue sub-committee on Monday after police chiefs tabled a report confirming a new intake of recruits.

Mid and Upper Nithsdale Councillor Tony Berretti said: “Fourteen new officers have been mentioned. Is that in addition to the previous officers that were mentioned many, many months ago?

“I think there were 12. It was 15 and then it went down to 12. So, do we have 14 new officers?”

Police Superintendent Jim McMillan responded: “In terms of the recruits, this is 14 new ones that are coming in.

“I actually sit on the rural and remote governance board to get more recruitment – to make sure that Dumfries and Galloway are getting a good number of people.

“So, my responsibility within Dumfries and Galloway is about personnel and recruitment.

“It’s actually within my best interests to get as many officers as I possibly can into the division.”

When the previous 12 new recruits were announced, the region’s top cop confirmed that community police officers would be back on the beat.