Fraudster son left elderly dad with 16p after stealing £9,500 from bank account

James King was jailed at Teesside Crown Court on Friday
-Credit: (Image: Cleveland Police)

A son strangled his elderly father before leaving him with a mere 16p in his bank account defrauding him of over £9,500, a court heard.

James King appeared at Teesside Crown Court on Friday to be be sentenced for fraud, intentional strangulation and theft all committed against his father. The Middlesbrough court heard King's parents were living with him for around a year when things turned sour.

The 44-year-old and his father had an agreement King would withdraw £150 for rent and food - but it was later revealed that he was actually taking much more. Summarising the case, Recorder Paul Reid said in August 2022, there was a "bad atmosphere" and his father decided to leave.

He said: "It was an utterly disgraceful and unforgivable incident. You were seen shouting at your father together with your wife as he tried to leave.

"He succeeded in doing that and there was an argument in the street. Your father shouted hurtful words at you and you grabbed hold of him by his neck and pinned him against a wall causing him to struggle for breath."

The court heard King eventually let go and told his father to leave. An investigation was then launched which revealed that since June 2022 the defendant had taken £9,520 from his father's bank account.

And in a final blow on August 18, he withdrew more cash leaving him with just 16p. Recorder Reid said: "All of his money was gone. Your father returned in due course to your house to find that all his property which had remained in your house had been removed by you.

"It was put out for rubbish and lost. This included items of sentimental nature."

The court heard the defendant was arrested by police and questioned. He told officers his father allowed him to take money from his account and that the strangulation "did not happen". He later admitted the offences and in mitigation, it was claimed he had a difficult relationship with his parents and has mental health issues.

The Dent Street defendant was handed a 31-month prison sentence.

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