Rail Workers To Strike On Day Of Eurovision Final

RMT members on the picket line
RMT members on the picket line

RMT members on the picket line

Union chiefs announced a fresh rail strike after rejecting the latest pay offer from their bosses.

The RMT said its members working for 14 train operators will walk out on for 24 hours on May 13 - threatening to disrupt those travelling to the Eurovision song contest, which takes place in Liverpool on the same day.

It comes just hours the Aslef rail union announced it was taking strike action on May 12 and 31 and then June 3 - the same day as the FA Cup Final between Manchester City and Manchester Utd.

Mick Lynch, the union’s general secretary, said the Rail Delivery Group, which represents the employers, had “reneged on their original proposals and torpedoed these negotiations”.

He said the RDG had said they would only give rail workers a 5% rise if they called off all future strike action.

The union is currently re-balloting its members for another six months of strikes, with a result expected May 4.

Lynch said: “The RDG have reneged on their original proposals and torpedoed these negotiations.

“No doubt their decision is due to pressure exerted on them by the Tory government.

“Therefore, we have no alternative but to press ahead with more strike action and continue our campaign for a negotiated settlement on pay, conditions and job security.

“We are re-balloting our members and if we beat the draconian anti-trade union laws on turnout, we will have a renewed mandate for action.

“We will then put on a further programme of strike action to make the employers and the government who continue to hold the puppet strings, see sense in this dispute.”
