Fresh Top Valley social club plans as bungalows to be built on land next to popular venue

Top Valley Social Club on Potters Close
Top Valley Social Club on Potters Close -Credit:Olimpia Zagnat

Fresh plans have been put forward for new housing to be built on land next to a popular Nottingham social club after the site was put up for sale. A set of bungalows would be built next to the Top Valley Social Club on Potters Close, Nottingham, if fresh plans are approved by Nottingham City Council.

The building was put on the market for freehold sale in 2022, with club members and neighbours devastated at the potential closure of the venue - but it has remained open. Now developer Sorrec Ltd has applied to build four bungalows near to the social club, arguing the new builds would make better use of the currently "underutilised" land.

In a planning document, which was submitted to Nottingham City Council along with designs for the properties, a representative for the applicant said: "One of the principal objectives of this development has been to develop this parcel of land efficiently and in a manner which is also in character with adjoining properties and the area generally.

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"The general approach was to have development which would be in character with the adjoining bungalows, and taking into account the depth of the site would utilise the land efficiently. The scale, design and siting of the new building has all been carefully considered with the view to minimising any visual impacts to the surrounding area."

The property developer added no hedges, trees or buildings would be removed or harmed during construction. There would be six parking spaces on the access drive.

When outline planning permission was granted at the end of 2023, planning officers from Nottingham City Council said it had no objection to the proposal as long as it complied with the other policies of the local authority's planning policies. "It is considered that the proposal would have an acceptable impact on neighbouring properties in terms of privacy, daylight, sunlight and outlook," a city council officer said.

The most recent application, which further details the scale, access, appearance and layout of the new homes, will also have to be approved before construction can start. The application is pending consideration by Nottingham City Council.