My friend Sasha Swire feels bloodied by the backlash to her diaries... and Boris disappoints

Petronella Wyatt
Petronella Wyatt

Hugo Swire and his wife Sasha, author of the wickedly funny and sublimely penned Diary of an MPs Wife, are old chums of mine. Hugo, a former Cameroon minister, is urbane in the classic English way that Michael Wilding personified. Sasha is generous, kind and an ingratiating proposition in the looks department. We both have Mittel-European mothers of a feisty disposition, and a predilection for sending ourselves and other people up. This week, extracts from Sasha’s diaries have been causing a furore in certain circles, something that has greatly distressed their author. Journalist Sarah Gove, for example, seems unaccountably put out by the accusation that she once made fish pie. When I spoke to the Swires on the phone on Tuesday, as they were escaping the furnace of London for their house in Devon, I found poor Sasha feeling bloodied by it all. She says the extracts have been a distortion of the book, in which she writes very kindly and sympathetically of the Camerons and other friends. She hopes that when people read the book in full, they will calm down a little.

The Swires are welcome at mine any time. Judging by the choler of some of Sasha’s detractors, you would think she had committed treason. Recently I had a drink with Norman Lamont and my old friend Gina Thomas, who reminded me of a passage in Alan Bennett’s teleplay about Guy Burgess, “An Englishman Abroad”. Actress Coral Browne’s character is attempting to buy the exiled Burgess some Saville Row pyjamas. Demurs the shop assistant: “The gentleman is a traitor, Madam.” “So? Must traitors sleep in the buff ... You were quite happy to satisfy this client when he was one of the most notorious buggers in London, and a drunkard into the bargain.”

The other day, I was in my local deli, Panzers, the finest food emporium in London. Customers with exemption cards, of which I am one, are not required to wear masks. Yet, a female shopper began to abuse both me and the long-suffering staff with terrifying vitriol. “Keep her away from me! Call the police!” This self-appointed Maoist then screamed in my direction: “You are not even shopping properly. You’re walking around smiling!’ The last, in her eyes, was the most heinous crime of all...

Boris appears to have been kidnapped and replaced with a dour, repressive double

My old friend Boris Johnson appears to have been kidnapped and replaced with some dour, repressive doppelgänger. I no longer recognise the former libertarian, whose car used to be littered with unpaid parking fines. This is not even a Conservative Government, and Tory voters are rightly infuriated by the new assaults on their liberty. A former Cabinet minister says: “We are reaching the point where the Party will no longer tolerate it.” Myself, I feel this is a bad new way of doing politics; blaming the people of Britain for Government incompetence and then beating up on them. It is not sensible to be on a permanent war footing against the electorate.

Kit “Fatty” Malthouse exhorts us to inform on neighbours if they are breaking the absurd “rule of six”, which even scientists deride. Malthouse, the only man I have ever met who can strut sitting down, is in no danger of suffering from this himself. He doesn’t even have six friends.