Frozen eyelashes and -62C: What life is like living in the world's coldest village

Oymyakon in Siberia is the world's coldest inhabited place, with temperatures dipping to -62C  - REX/Shutterstock
Oymyakon in Siberia is the world's coldest inhabited place, with temperatures dipping to -62C - REX/Shutterstock

In the bleak depths of winter, a “relentlessly grim” frozenness envelopes the remote eastern Siberian outpost of Oymyakon - the coldest inhabited place on earth.

Temperatures plummeted to a genuinely bone-chilling -62C in the isolated village this week, causing a digital thermometer installed as a tourist attraction to malfunction.

New Zealand photographer Amos Chapple made the two-day journey from the nearest city of Yakutsk, located 576 miles away, to Oymyakon in 2012, to capture what everyday life is like in the world’s coldest village.

The 35-year-old experienced temperatures in the mid -40s on his visit to Oymyakon, which has a population of 500 residents and was originally founded as a stopover for reindeer herders due to a thermal spring which never freezes.

He remembers the icy streets being largely empty during his visit, the solitude only punctuated by the glimpse of a local rushing from one door to another with a mitt clasped over their face, or the occasional drunk aimlessly wandering through the rural roads. 

Oymyakon - Credit: Instagram/@anastasiagav
Frozen eyelashes in the Russian region of Yakuti Credit: Instagram/@anastasiagav

“I'd expected that the locals would be accustomed to the winters and there would be everyday life happening in the streets,” he told The Telegraph, “but people were very wary of the cold”.

“I remember watching a woman in the village store pick up a frozen sausage for a customer, then immediately warm her fingers against the palm of her hand.

“The village felt abandoned but it wasn’t, everything was happening indoors, and I wasn’t welcome there, so the only companions I had were the occasional street dog, or one of the drunks.

“They were a tough people,” he adds. “I expected there to be human warmth there but I didn't experience that at all.”

He recollects being threatened by drunks on two separate occasions, making him wary of venturing outside.   

“Being knocked unconscious when it's that cold could be a death sentence,” he says. “It didn't feel like a happy place.”

He recalls feeling confused as he ventured outside and suddenly “had the sensation that fine needles were occasionally pricking my lips”.

“Eventually I realised that small strings of saliva were freezing instantly when I opened my mouth and pricking my lips when I closed them,” he explains.

“In this region the cold grips you almost physically. I remember being outside briefly in thin trousers and feeling as if my legs were in a tightening vice.”

Chapple describes the effort of just navigating around the forbidding landscape, located just outside the Arctic Circle, as “exhausting”.

“I'm not sure why this is but after walking around outside for a couple of hours I would get home and feel as if I'd just taken a long-haul flight,” he says.

“I remember sitting on my bed looking in the mirror at the grey bags under my eyes and thinking ‘I gotta keep going’. I was fit and healthy, but it was very hard work just to be outside.”

Yakutia region - Credit: Teh Han Lin / Barcroft
Temperatures can plummet to -60C in the winter months in Yakutia region Credit: Teh Han Lin / Barcroft

He adds that taking photos in such extreme conditions was also a challenge, with the usually simple act of pushing down on the shutter-release button becoming a tricky task, especially with two pairs of gloves on.

“Any gloves built for real cold make shooting pictures like an anxiety dream where you just can’t quite hit that … button,” he says.

Chapple carried his treasured camera under his outer-layer jacket to stop it from freezing and was also forced to hold his breath to prevent the clouds of steam coming from his mouth ruining his shots.

Oymyakon is plunged into darkness for around 21 hours a day in the middle of winter, with inhabitants going outside risking frostbite and hypothermia.

“Sure, we have to wrap up warm,” local Martina Vadreyev previously told the BBC. “In other parts of Russia you can throw on a coat to go outdoors, here it takes ages to dress. But we are used to it. This is our home.”

Anecdotes about daily life in the bitterly cold Yakutia region include eyeglasses sticking to people’s faces, planes being unable to land in the winter, ink in pens freezing and locals keeping their cars running all day to ensure they don’t break down.

Remarkable photos posted online showed the eyelashes of those brave enough to face the bitterly cold conditions to freeze.

Oymyakon - Credit: Instagram/@sivtseva9452
The temperature in the world’s coldest village reached near-record lows Credit: Instagram/@sivtseva9452

To bury their dead, bonfires must be lit across several days to thaw the ground long enough for a burial plot to be dug in the winter months. Reindeer meat, horse meat and fish, sometimes eaten frozen, as well as dairy products, are a staple part of the Yakut diet.

“Yakutians love the cold food, the frozen raw Arctic fish, white salmon, whitefish, frozen raw horse liver, but they are considered to be delicacy,” local Bolot Bochkarev told

“In daily life, we like eating the soup with meat. The meat is a must. It helps our health...”

On the bright side, once the long winter is over, inhabitants can enjoy up to 21 hours of sunshine in the summer months.

The rising summer temperatures, which melts the frozen ground, means homes have to be built on concrete and steel stilts, drilled deep into the permafrost to prevent the foundations from moving.

Chapple, reflecting on his experiences six years ago, admits: “Personally it wasn't fun, the village was not a pleasant place to be at the time, perhaps it's changed a bit now.”