The full, heartbreaking statements read in court by the parents of tragic Genevieve Meehan as her killer was sentenced
Every day, the heartbroken parents of tragic nine-month-old Genevieve Meehan - killed by nursery worker Kate Roughley - sat in the public gallery at Manchester Crown Court. They showed incredible strength as haunting CCTV was played to the trial jury.
Footage showed Roughley, 37, scolding and berating their beloved child. Katie Wheeler and John Meehan watched through tears as Gigi's final moments were seen on TV screens before weeping jurors.
They were forced to listen to the lies of her killer. Every day, they sat in dignified silence, holding hands. They were there for their little girl, who they miss more than words can say.
READ MORE: Nursery worker Kate Roughley jailed for 14 years for killing nine-month-old Genevieve Meehan
Today (Wednesday), before Roughley was jailed for 14 years, they addressed Manchester Crown Court and spoke of their heartbreak. Roughley, of Basil Street, Heaton Norris, Stockport, swaddled Genevieve in a blanket, before strapping her face down onto a bean bag while she was in her care at Tiny Toes Nursery in Cheadle Hulme, Stockport, in May 2022. The beloved tot died from a combination of asphyxia and 'pathophysiological stress'.
Ms Wheeler, whose statement was read on her behalf, said: "My love for Genevieve started the moment I found out I was pregnant because I was so desperate to have her. It was such a privilege to carry her in my womb and the day she finally came into the world was so joyous. It had been a very difficult pregnancy because I had pre-eclampsia and Gigi was born early and was so tiny at just over three pounds."
Solicitor Ms Wheeler said that during the last few weeks of her pregnancy, she attended the Tommy's clinic at St Mary's Hospital, cared for by supportive and kind staff. Once Gigi was born healthy and well, Ms Wheeler was allowed to hold her for a short time before she was taken to the NICU.
She added: "I felt so desperate that she wasn't with me and I couldn't hold her. It felt so wrong to let her go and I was then sent to the ward surrounded by other mothers with their babies and my little girl felt so far away from me. As soon as I could stand I went to see her and she looked so tiny, but so perfect.
"Those first few days were so frightening, even though Gigi was doing really well. It just felt so wrong to not have her with me. Eventually, Gigi was moved to Stepping Hill Hospital which was close to our home. I remember so vividly the day she was taken there by a transport ambulance. I walked with her in the incubator until she was in the ambulance and I felt bereft, but I also felt hopeful because this was one step closer to taking her home and starting our lives together which I was so desperate to do.
"It haunts me that just over nine months later, Gigi was dying in an ambulance on the way to the same hospital that we had driven to so full of hope for the future in those early days."
They finally got to take their little girl home, where she met her big sister and dog Beau, who would sit underneath her cot when she was put to bed.
'My love for Gig cannot be put into words'
"My love for Gigi cannot be put into words," Ms Wheeler said. "I find that since she was so cruelly taken from me that words are simply inadequate. Nothing can reflect the horror of her death or the life that I now live.
"Gigi and her sister became inseparable and whilst I like to think that Gigi loved me the most, it is safe to say that her big sister was her everything. Their relationship was beautiful.
"Her big sister did everything with me and helped me dress Gigi, played with her and bathed her. She would come into my room in the morning and Gigi would smile and laugh and bounce with excitement. If she was tired and grouchy then her big sister would pause getting ready for school and dance for her to make her happy. It was a joy to behold."
The family booked their first family holiday for July. Some of the girls' holiday clothes had arrived the day before Genevieve died. "She tried on her sunglasses and her swimming costume that Sunday afternoon," her mum said. "My heart aches when I look at her things and think of all the love, opportunities and life she will never experience.
"Life really felt so wonderful once my family was complete. I adore my children and would give them anything. I feel so ashamed and such a failure because I was living in complete ignorance of what was to come.
"As Genevieve's mother, I feel that I should have known she was going to die. I despise myself for not holding on to her and refusing to let her go on that morning of May 9. We had all had such a wonderful weekend and I had no idea that I wouldn't see my little girl alive again after I dropped her off at the place that day.
"I lived that day in complete ignorance of what was happening to Gigi and I cannot forgive myself. I feel that I should have sensed that something was wrong, but I had no idea."
The day of Genevieve's death, Ms Wheeler said she was on a work call when the nursery rang. She said she will never forget the words that were said to her. She added: "She told me that they had gone to wake Genevieve up from her sleep and she was limp and blue.
"She told me they had called an ambulance. I had no idea what to do. Gigi felt so far away from me and I didn't want to put the phone down, but I had to tell John and I knew I had to get to her. I thought in those moments that she had to be okay, she had to be okay because I love her so much."
The infant was taken to hospital by a police officer. When Ms Wheeler arrived, she ran to her baby and saw her lying on a bed surrounded by 'more doctors than [she] had ever seen before'.
"They were trying to save Gigi," she continued in her statement. "I felt sick and they told me to be calm because everyone was doing what they could for her. She looked so small. I felt so desperate and I still feel so desperate to have her back. I was willing her to breathe and smile at me.
"It was utterly horrific and I am stuck in that moment in the hospital looking at my little girl dead every day." After Genevieve had died, Ms Wheeler said she held her for hours until she started to feel heavy, adding: "I didn't want to let her go, but I also couldn't bear to see her change in the way she did.
"In those moments, I lost every bit of myself. I lost who I had been in the years before and became the person I am now. Dead inside. Completely incapable of living and completely alien from the world around me."
'She lives inside me... she is a part of me'
"I am surrounded by life, but consumed by death. I have to pretend to be a normal person and I live for my children, but that is all. She is my little girl, she lived inside me, and she is part of me. When I found out what had happened to her and how she was treated it shattered any semblance of faith I had in there being good in the world."
Ms Wheeler said every day is torturous. Gigi's death, she added, has destroyed her family. "Having to tell my six-year-old daughter that her sister had died and would never come home was unbearable. Gigi's big sister wanted me to say this on her behalf - 'every day I get punched with sadness... what this lady has done is terrible and nobody should experience this. My younger sister should have the experience of having two older sisters and I should have both of my sisters. This has changed my family's life forever. Thank you for listening to me'."
Speaking of Genevieve, she said she deserved 'kindness and love' and that was all she had experienced in her life before she 'went to that place'. She said she lost all faith in humanity and trusts no one.
"I feel her absence in every moment and feel such great sorrow that she only got to spend one Christmas with her family and never got to come home that day," Ms Wheeler added. "I never got to hear her say 'mummy' or saw her walk on her own. She deserved all the things that life had to offer and she would have had those things because she is the centre of our world and we love her so dearly.
"I feel like a prisoner in my own home and feel fearful any time I leave the house. I worry every night that I am going to wake up in the morning and find that my children have died. I am completely lost. I used to be ambitious and spent years working towards my career but all of that has gone because nothing seems to matter anymore.
"I want to scream at the world every day about how angry I feel. There will be no forgiveness and this hatred I feel will never leave me. The only emotion that counters this is my love for Gigi. My beautiful little girl.
"After she died, someone said to me that when you have children you draw a map in your mind which grows as they do. It is full of your hopes and dreams for their futures and your lives together as a family. When your child dies the map is wiped clean and there you are left looking out into bleak emptiness."
'The light of our lives'
"I want the world to know how loved Gigi is and how desperate I am to have her, hold her, hear her breath in my ear and for her to have her cheek next to mine. My little Gigi was and is a beautiful soul, the image of her daddy and the light of our lives."
In a further statement written after Roughley was convicted of manslaughter, she said sitting in court had been 'harrowing' and that she had seen things 'no parent should ever have to witness'.
"We did not choose to participate in the criminal justice system," Ms Meehan added. "We were forced to because Genevieve was killed. Kate Roughley could have saved our family from the pain and distress of this trial, but she chose not to.
"To this day she appears unwilling to acknowledge that it was her actions that caused Genevieve's death, despite knowing what she did and in the face of overwhelming evidence. She began lying within a short time of discovering Genevieve's body and she has continued to lie throughout this process. She sought to deflect attention to anyone but herself when she is responsible for her actions and the choices she made.
"We found Kate Roughley's rehearsed evidence, which was delivered without emotion, empathy or compassion, grossly insulting."
Reading his own statement, Genevieve's father, John Meehan said: "I have a beautiful daughter and her name is Genevieve." He listed all the normal experiences she would not get to experience such as going to a birthday party, going to school, her first holiday and making friends.
"Your callous disregard for her life has destroyed her future," he told Roughley. Emotional, he continued: "I have a beautiful daughter and her name is Genevieve. But I won't get to see her grow up, to develop her loves and her passions. I will never comfort her when she is nervous on her first day of school or burst with pride when I see her in her school uniform.
"I won't be able to comfort her when she is sad or pick her up and hold her when she has fallen. I won't be able to teach her to ride a bike or talk about everything and nothing. I will not hear her say her first word."
'A piece missing'
"Your actions have shattered my heart and my soul. Like an incomplete jigsaw, no matter how many times I try to put myself back together, there is always a piece missing. No words can adequately convey the pain and horror of her absence.
"From the first moment we saw her we were besotted. We loved her so much and she loved her family. She did not know, and neither did we, for how could we have known, that to you, every interaction was an inconvenience, a bother and a nuisance. Despite the safety of our beautiful daughter being entrusted to you, you showed neither care or concern for her, just exasperation and anger. You put your own personal convenience above her safety and her life."
Mr Meehan, a barrister, said his daughter had to suffer the 'gross indignity' of invasive CPR and a post mortem. He said the family had suffered the horror of a police investigation. He added that Roughley had shown no remorse.
He added: "Your only concern has been to do anything you could to avoid responsibility. You are a cold, callous and cruel person. I have a beautiful daughter and her name is Genevieve. I could not have known that, by leaving her with you, someone paid and entrusted to provide her with care, I was leaving her with someone that simply had no care for those she was paid to protect.
"I will never forgive myself for leaving her with you and that I was not there in her last moments to hold her hand and save her. I have a beautiful daughter and her name is Genevieve. She loved to laugh, to spend time with her sister, her mum and her little dog. She loved to listen to music and dance, to play her tambourine and to eat spaghetti Bolognese.
"She was fun, passionate, mischievous, independent and full of life. This is who you destroyed. For you, there will be no redemption and no legacy. You will never be anything other than a child killer.
"However, my daughter will have a legacy. Her name will live on. Through us, her kindness and passion will help others.
"I am so proud of her and that is why, for as long as I am living, I will never stop saying 'I have a beautiful daughter and her name is Genevieve'."