Full list of new NHS prescription charges coming into force this week

This week, the new NHS prescription charges will be result in millions of NHS patients in England facing increased medicinal costs.

The cost for a single NHS prescription will rise to nearly £10, marking an increase from this year's figure of £9.90 by 25p. This adjustment translates to around 2.5 per cent increment, which is below the inflation rate, however, it could potentially add financial stress to people with lower fixed incomes.

For those worried about their repeat prescriptions charges, they can utilise a prepayment certificate (PPC), providing a fixed charge for an entire year's worth of prescriptions. The cost for this also sees a rise by almost £3, moving from £111.60 to £114.50.


All these shifts in prescription rates will commence from Wednesday (May 1).

Janet Morrison, Chief Executive of Community Pharmacy England, said: "Yet again community pharmacies must be the bearers of bad news as the Government decides to raise the NHS prescription charge. As the cost of living continues to put strain on the most vulnerable in society, many patients will have to make unbearable decisions about which medicines they can afford to pay for."

"We remain opposed to the charge: it is a tax on the vulnerable and one which forces pharmacy teams to act as tax collectors on top of the intolerable wider pressures that community pharmacy is facing."

New NHS prescription charges

Below are the new NHS prescription charges which will come into effect from Wednesday, May 1:


Current charge (1 April 2023 to 30 April 2024)

Charge from 1 May 2024

Change in £




























Some NHS patients may be able to claim for free prescriptions of receive support for other NHS costs. To find out if you're eligible, you can fill in the NHS Business Services Authority checker here.