Full list of people on legacy benefits who do not need to migrate to Universal Credit

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) recently announced that half a million people claiming legacy benefits will be invited to claim Universal Credit before the end of this year. The DWP said that more than 130,000 people have already successfully transitioned from Tax Credits to the Universal Credit IT system, which allows claimants to amend their claim online and reports changes more easily.

The DWP has also set out a timetable for people in receipt of combinations of legacy benefits including Income Support, Tax Credits, Housing Benefits, Income Based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and Income Based JobSeeker’s Allowance (JSA).

And new guidance on GOV.UK makes it a lot easier for people to check whether they will need to move to Universal Credit. State Pensioners and those on ‘New Style’ legacy benefits along with people living in temporary council accommodation will not receive a Managed Migration Notice.

People who will not move to Universal Credit

You will not move to Universal Credit if you only receive Housing Benefit and you:

  • are a State Pensioner - 66 or over

  • live in temporary accommodation provided by a council because you were homeless

  • live in supported accommodation including refugees, hostels, extra care housing and some sheltered housing

Instead, you will continue to receive support with housing costs through your existing Housing Benefit.

State Pensioners

If you are claiming Tax Credits and are of State Pension Age, DWP will write to you to ask you to apply for Universal Credit or Pension Credit, depending on your circumstances.

People on ‘New Style’ benefits

If you only receive new style benefits, either New Style Employment and Support Allowance (ESAc) or New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSAc), then you will not be asked to move to Universal Credit.

Full guidance is available on GOV.UK here.

For everyone else, the DWP has published a timetable on when they can expect to receive a Managed Migration Notice. DWP said that people who receive a letter but don’t act within three months risk losing their current benefit entitlements.

A deadline to claim Universal Credit will be on the Migration Notice.

When you are likely to be asked to move to Universal Credit

Legacy Benefit

Manage Migration Letters Issued

Tax credits with Housing Benefit

From April 2024

Income Support only

From April 2024

Income Support with Housing Benefit

From April 2024

Income Support with Tax credits

From April 2024

Income Support with Housing Benefit

From April 2024

Housing Benefits only

From June 2024

Income-related ESA with Child Tax credits

From July 2024

Tax credits (pension age)

From August 2024

Income-based Jobseekers Allowance

From September 2024

ESA only

You will not be asked to move to Universal Credit until a later date

ESA with Housing Benefit

You will not be asked to move to Universal Credit until a later date

DWP guidance on GOV.UK warns: “It is important that you do not do anything until you receive your letter. You will not be moved automatically. Once you’ve received your Universal Credit Migration Notice letter, you’ll need to make a claim for Universal Credit to continue to get financial support. There will be a deadline in your letter.

“This is three months from the date the letter was sent out. Your current benefits will end as soon as you submit your claim for Universal Credit and you will not be able to go back to your existing benefit once you have claimed.”

Transitional Protection Payments

Transitional Protection payments are an additional amount to help with your move to Universal Credit. The payment will make up the difference if your Universal Credit entitlement is less than your previous tax credits or benefits.

If eligible, this protection means you can:

  • get a Transitional Protection payment added to your Universal Credit entitlement if you receive more from your previous Tax Credits or benefits

  • claim Universal Credit and have money, savings and investments over £16,000 for 12 assessment periods, if you receive Tax Credits

  • claim Universal Credit if you’re a full-time student in higher education until you or your partner finish the course

Eligibility for Transitional Protection

You do not need to apply for Transitional Protection - but to qualify for it, you must make a claim for Universal Credit before the deadline date on the Migration Notice letter.

The Migration Notice letter will be from the DWP and invite you to make a claim for Universal Credit.

Help to claim

People can claim Universal Credit directly online or via the dedicated Universal Credit Migration Notice helpline for free on 0800 169 0328 or by visiting your local Jobcentre Plus.

For those who need additional support to complete their application, Citizens Advice Scotland’s Help to Claim service provides free, confidential and impartial advice along with a step-by-step guide to the claims process.

Find out more on the website here.

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