Gail Porter slams Edinburgh Fringe bosses over skyrocketing costs as she's unable to perform

gail porter
Gail was supported by fans and fellow artists calling for a boycott -Credit:Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

Gail Porter has hit out at Edinburgh Fringe bosses as she says she's been 'priced out'. The TV star, 53, will be unable to perform in her hometown at the festival due to costs.

Television presenter Gail has slammed Edinbrugh Fringe Festival over venue and accomodation prices, which she claims has forced her to bow out of putting on a stand-up show this year. Gail took to social media to rant about the extortionate costs.

Sharing a snap on Instagram of herself in the Scottish capital, she wrote: "Edinburgh… you have priced me out the market. I can’t afford to do a gig at the festival. All these new lovely hopeful humans that want to perform, make people think, smile, cry, laugh… they can’t afford to stay in my home town."

"I’m so so incredibly gutted. Greed is never nice," she added. Gail later took to Twitter to share the news with fans, as she wrote: "Was so excited to go the @edfringe this year. But I have been priced out by the soaring costs of B&Bs. My home town."

She continued: "I feel so sorry for new young performers that won’t be able to afford accommodation. I’m gutted Edinburgh has done this. Greed is awful."

The festival's official Twitter account responded, and said: "Totally understand your frustration, Gail - please know we're doing what we can to find solutions, be it through discussions with govt or negotiating affordable options for artists."

Gail replied: "Thank you for your response. I just feel for so many people I know that are not coming to my home. Just really upsetting x x."

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According to reports, venues can cost up to £10,000 per week and that's before registration fees, ticket commission, marketing and advertising, equipment hire and transportation, public liability insurance, and accommodation.

It's estimated total costs for a theatre show in a 150-capacity space could be £25,000 for 23 performances the MailOnline reports, while a comedy show in a 30-capacity venue for 23 afternoon performances could amount to £2,000.

Fans rushed to the social media posts to share their fury, and also slammed the 'hellish' prices calling for a boycott of the festival. One person said: "Och that's hellish Gail. I know exactly what you're saying tho. It's off the scale," as another wrote: "Yep. Never even stood a chance of being able to afford accom there this year."

Another performer echoed: "First time in 15 years that we're not coming this year. Always been able to make sacrifices to ensure we could come and enjoy the festival but this years accommodation prices are crazy and if we continue to pay these prices they'll just keep going up. We're gutted."

Another quipped: "Mad prices. I've not been up since 2019 and don't know if I'll ever be able to do a full run again," as someone else chimed: "Artists need to arrange a boycott for anything to change. But of course that won’t happen and punters and artists will continue to be ripped off."

This year's festival is set to take place between Friday August 2 and Monday August 26.

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