What is Galerie? Everything to know about the online film club

 Galerie logo.
Galerie logo.

Movie lovers have a new place to learn and celebrate movie culture with Galerie, an online film club that is supported by big-name filmmakers and actors like Wes Anderson, Ethan Hawke, Maggie Gyllenhaal and more. With a digital subscription, movie fans are going to get exclusive content to further their love of the cinema.

Backed by the production company Indian Paintbrush, which has produced all of Anderson's movies since 2007, Galerie has a mission to "expand and deepen your journey through film alongside a vibrant community where everyone is invited to exchange ideas and expand their knowledge." That will be done through original videos, essays, live screenings and discussions with those making movies.

Here is what Indian Paintbrush founder Steven Rales said after launching Galerie:

"Amidst the media clutter overwhelming all of us, we are delighted to introduce Galeria as a unique sanctuary for discovering cinema differently. Galerie offers the opportunity to explore the indelible contributions of those more and less visible in the filmmaking endeavor, as well as an avenue to converse and learn about the many attributes of this cherished medium."

But what are the key details that you need to know about Galerie right now? We lay it all out for you to decide if signing up for Galerie is something you want to do.

How much does Galerie cost?

A subscription to Galerie costs $10 per month; there is no yearly subscription option. Subscribers have the ability to cancel at any time.

Where is Galerie available?

Galerie is available worldwide, all you need is an internet connection and a compatible device.

What devices does Galerie work with?

Right now, the only place you can access Galerie content is directly through the Galerie website. However, Galerie is working on apps that will allow subscribers to access it on iOS, Android, tvOS, Amazon Fire, Roku and Android TV devices.

When multiple devices are available, Galerie subscribers can use Galerie on up to five devices at a time.

Who is part of Galerie?

We've mentioned a few of the big names that are going to contribute to Galerie's content, but here is the official list of individuals who are part of the online film club at its launch:

More people are expected to contribute to Galerie over time.