Gang 'brawled with machetes' before man seen 'with blood pouring from face'

Police at the scene on Friday
Police at the scene on Friday -Credit:Liverpool Echo

People living on a quiet residential street say they saw a man "with blood pouring from his face" after a gang brawled in the street.

Police raced to Kelvington Close in Fazakerley, Liverpool, after the alarm was raised at around 10.30pm on Thursday. Ambulance crews attended and three people were taken to hospital for treatment.

Four men - aged 37, 36, 35 and 34 - have been arrested on suspicion of affray and wounding with intent. They are in police custody and will be questioned by detectives.

An eye-witness told the Echo: "I didn't know anything was going on until I heard sirens. I heard some shouting but that's quite normal because there is a pub at the end of the road so I didn't think anything of it. But then I heard sirens and looked out the window and there was a man with blood pouring from his face.

"I've been told by neighbours that it was a machete attack. I saw a man walking towards an ambulance and he had blood pouring out his face and then police picked up something off the floor. Forensics are there now and there are all those yellow markers on the road."

Images taken from the scene this morning showed the close cordoned off by police officers. A police van remained at the scene, while a support team worked inside the cordon. Merseyside Police said it was in the early stages of investigating the circumstances of this incident and if you have any information, please get in touch.

Detective Inspector Mike Fletcher said: "We are keen to speak with anyone locally who saw this incident or may have captured anything on CCTV, dashcam or doorbell devices. Officers remain at the scene to provide reassurance to the community and also continue house-to-house and CCTV enquiries.

"If you have any information about this incident or witnessed what happened, please let us know as soon as possible as it could help our investigation."

Anyone with information is asked to contact 101.

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