Gardeners warned over 'UK's most dangerous plant' which can be fatal

Warning over UKs most dangerous plant which is very toxic despite its beauty
The Oleander plant is beautiful but potentially very dangerous -Credit:(Image: Getty)

Many plants can be harmful if ingested, but some can even pose a risk upon skin contact. Fiona Jenkins, a gardening expert at, has identified the UK's most dangerous plant.

She warned: "The oleander plant is the UK's most dangerous plant due to it being very toxic for both humans and animals."

She added: "This plant is very poisonous, and if you ingest even a very small amount of this plant, it can result in death. Physical contact with the plant can cause allergic reactions and severe skin irritations. It's important to keep oleanders away from children and pets."

If your garden is frequently visited by pets or children, it's best to steer clear of this plant despite its attractive appearance. Oleanders can be recognised by their clusters of funnel-shaped flowers, which come in shades of pink, white, red, coral or yellow, reports the Express.

Foxgloves are another beautiful plant, commonly found in UK woodlands and often chosen for gardens. However, Fiona warns that this plant contains toxic cardiac glycosides, which can lead to "serious poisoning".

She also highlighted the dangers of Deadly Nightshade, a plant with purple and green flowers and smooth oval leaves. She said: "It features several green berries that then ripen to a black colour. Every part of this plant is toxic, and the berries are particularly poisonous."

Consuming these berries can lead to a variety of dangerous side effects. Gardening expert Fiona has highlighted the dangers of lilies to pets, stating that all parts of the plant can be toxic and should be avoided entirely. She warned: "Unfortunately, this can be fatal. It's important to keep your pets away from lily plants."

Fiona also noted: "Lily pollen can easily fall onto your pet's fur, which they may then ingest when they groom themselves."