Gateshead community centre earmarked for demolition following vandalism and anti-social behaviour

The former Brandling Hall community centre in Felling, Gateshead.
-Credit: (Image: ChronicleLive)

Plans have been submitted for the demolition of a former community centre in Felling after it became a target for vandals.

Gateshead Council documents show plans have been lodged to tear down the Brandling Community Centre, on Church Place. According to the demolition application: “The property is surplus to council requirements and has been the target of anti-social behaviour and break-ins.”

Once permission is granted, the property will be stripped by hand and then later demolished. The application later goes on to say the site will be left top soiled and then grass-seeded.

Felling councillor Bill Dickie said: “It has been in disrepair for quite a while. It was run by a boxing club but that was a while ago now. The site technically forms part of a priority housing development, which has been ongoing for several years.

“What we as councillors would like to do is have that whole site for housing development.”

The surrounding Brandling Village is designed on the council’s website as one of 84 brownfield sites across Gateshead. The site in total measures 6.3 hectares with a potential housing capacity of between 120 to 200 homes.

Gateshead Council has recently fallen just short of central Government housebuilding targets, set at 95%. However, the targets were dubbed a "blunt instrument" by senior council leadership, considering the number of demolition of no longer suitable housing in the area.