Gaynor Lord was 'doing yoga pose' in park shortly before she disappeared, witness claims

A witness who believes she saw a missing mother-of-three shortly before she vanished has revealed she saw her put her coat on the ground of a park and perform a yoga pose.

Gaynor Lord, 55, was last seen on Friday afternoon after she left work early from Norwich city centre.

Her belongings, including clothing, two rings, a mobile phone and glasses, were found scattered in Wensum Park - around 1.5 miles from her workplace.

Her coat was discovered in the River Wensum, which runs through the park.

Norfolk Constabulary believes “it is likely” Ms Lord may have entered the water and underwater search teams have scoured the river.

Rosie Richards said she saw a woman fitting Mrs Lord’s description at Wensum Park last Friday afternoon and described her as appearing “quite calm”.

But the witness, who lives nearby, claimed something “just seemed a bit off’ because it was getting dark at the time around 4pm.

Ms Richards told ITV’s Good Morning Britain: ‘To me she seemed quite calm. She was sort of putting her coat down on the floor and sort of performing a yoga pose. It just seemed a bit off at this time because obviously it was starting to get dark.”

She added: “It’s really upsetting. I’m thinking of her friends and family because she is a similar age to my mum and that would be awful to be going through what they are going through now.’

Ms Lord is described as white, 5ft 6in, with blonde shoulder-length hair.

In order to aid their search, Norfolk Police is attempting to learn lessons from Lancashire Constabulary, which handled the search for missing mother Nicola Bulley, who disappeared after dropping her two daughters at school in St Michael’s on Wyre, Lancashire, earlier this year.