General Election 2024 - The candidates standing in Clwyd North

Clwyd North is a new constituency created out of two former Tory held seats. It will be made up of 69.8% of the former Clwyd West constituency, represented by David Jones, who is retiring this election.

The rest is made up of the old Vale of Clwyd seat (64.1%) which is being abolished. North Wales will have seven, not nine constituencies as a result of the review.

The boundaries of all but one Welsh seat have changed ahead of the 2024 election, only Ynys Mon (the island of Anglesey) remains untouched, all others have seen changes which could impact the results on election night. You can read the background to the changes here.

Instead of 40 constituencies, there are now 32 in Wales and the idea behind it is to make all Westminster constituencies the same size.

Read more: The seat to watch in Wales on election night

Don't miss: What is my constituency for the general election

Where does the constituency cover?

It includes parts of Rhyl, Abergele, Denbigh, Towyn and Rhuddlan

You can enter your postcode here to find your constituency

What happened in the 2019 general election?

The candidates

Gill German, Labour

Councillor German is currently the deputy leader of Denbighshire County Council. She outlined her promises: “Clwyd North needs a Labour MP. The empty promises of the Tories have rung for too long, and our communities have had enough. We need an MP with an established local profile and the passion, drive, and proven ability to work towards a better future for us all. My name is Gill German and I am that MP.

“This place is part of who I am. I grew up, brought my children up, and live my life here. A local teacher for many years, my route into politics came straight from the inequalities I saw grow year on year from those classrooms. As a development officer working across Wales on Welsh Government’s project to tackle the impact of poverty on education, that picture became starker still.”

She added: “That first-hand experience of the detrimental effects caused by callous Westminster policies led me to go out and campaign for what Labour has to offer - fairness, opportunity, and equity so that every one of us can fulfil our potential.”

Martyn Hogg, The Green Party

The Denbighshire County Councillor, serving the St Asaph East ward, and said the environment was one of his top priorities: "Millions of people in our country are deeply worried about the future.

“We live in one of the richest countries on the planet, yet nurses are using food banks, our children’s schools are crumbling, a roof over our heads is all too often unaffordable, and hospital and dentist appointments are like gold dust.

“Meanwhile, the climate emergency continues to accelerate. Scientists warn that we are currently on track for global temperatures to rise by at least 2.5°C, far beyond levels at which humanity can safely survive.

“Our promise to you is that all this can change. We can create a greener, fairer country together – one in which we are all safer, happier, and more fulfilled. This will only happen if we get more Green MPs elected. and it will take the kinds of policies set out in our manifesto.”

He added: “Voting Green on 4 July is your way of showing you believe a fairer, greener world is possible – and is worth fighting for.”

Darren Millar, Conservative

Mr Millar has served as the AM and MS with the Welsh Government for over a decade and a half and vowed to fight for his constituents in Denbighshire if voted into Westminster.

He said: “I'll fight hard for the things that matter to you, your loved ones, and your community.

“On July 4, you’ve got a big decision to make because you’ll have the opportunity to elect your next MP. I’ve been a member of the Welsh Parliament, representing Clwyd West for 17 years.

“I’ve seen the damage that the Welsh Labour Party has done to Wales, whether it’s slowing our economy down through default 20mph speed limits, problems in our NHS with the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in special measures, or the cuts they’ve imposed in education, which is damaging local schools and libraries. It’s not good enough.

“And on 4 July, you’ll have the opportunity to send the Labour Party in Wales a message. So back me, back my campaign, and I’ll fight hard for the things that matter to you, your loved ones, and your community.”

Jamie Orange, Reform

He said: “My name is Jamie Orange, and I’m proud to be your Reform UK candidate for Clwyd North. Having lived in Wales my entire life, I've witnessed the damage inflicted by the Welsh Labour government and the failures of the Conservatives in Westminster. The people of Clwyd North and all of Wales deserve better.

“We need to embrace a more free-market approach to ensure our local businesses can thrive. I propose scrapping business rates and raising the VAT threshold to make trading easier both domestically and internationally.

“Farmers are the backbone of our country. I will work to scrap the unrealistic Net-Zero targets and the re-wilding scheme enforced by the Welsh Labour government, which coerces farmers into surrendering 20% of their land for wild flowers and trees in exchange for subsidies.

“It's essential to freeze immigration and stop illegal crossings. Mass immigration has strained our housing, healthcare, schools, and wages. By freezing immigration, we can focus on building adequate housing for current residents.”

He added: “The people of Clwyd North deserve a representative who will fight for their interests and work tirelessly to bring about real change. I am that candidate, and I am committed to making Clwyd North and Wales a better place for all.”

Paul Rowlinson, Plaid Cymru

"Paul Rowlinson is your Plaid Cymru candidate for the seat of Clwyd North. Born in Cheshire, Paul Rowlinson worked in the chemical industry in Germany before moving to Wales to train as a teacher at Bangor University.

"He later worked in housing and local government finance and then as a freelance translator, working across North Wales. He is married and has three children. He lives in Bethesda and has served on gwynedd-council>Gwynedd Council for the last seven years, working tirelessly on matters such as housing, flooding, roads, and waste collection.

“Paul helped to set up and run a community hydroelectric scheme that has reduced the carbon footprint locally and provides an income for the benefit of the community. With others he founded a successful local voluntary environmental group. He is also a member of the Books Council of Wales and serves as the chair of governors for his local secondary school."

David Wilkins, Liberal Democrats

Clwyd North
Clwyd North

He said: “Many local residents feel let down by the choices presented by Conservative and Labour politicians in Westminster.

“The compassionate and caring nature of our local community has too often been overlooked as Conservative policies have veered towards cruelty and moral bankruptcy. I am proud to stand once more, aiming to put an end to the Conservative mishandling of the economy and advocating for the restoration of funding for schools, hospitals, and essential services.

“I've observed that our current Conservative MP and MS have often aligned themselves with the Party in Westminster, voting against the concerns held by local people. They have supported an unelected Prime Minister and a failing government, leaving us in need of a local champion who will be more vocal and prioritise our area. If given the opportunity to serve as Clwyd North's MP, I am committed to putting our community first and being that champion.”

Who is standing?

  • Gill German (Labour)

  • Martyn James Hogg (Green Party)

  • Darren Millar (Conservatives)

  • Jamie Orange (Reform UK)

  • Paul John Rowlinson (Plaid Cymru)

  • David James Wilkins (Lib Dem)