General election 2024: Full list of Gloucester candidates vying for votes

Voters head to the polls on July 4 to elect their MP for Gloucester. The constituency which includes the city and its neighbouring suburbs of Quedgeley and Hucclecote is reduced for the upcoming election in July as the Elmbridge ward is transferred to Tewkesbury.

Its current Conservative MP Richard Graham is standing for re-election and up against him are Socialist Labour Party candidate Akhlaque Ahmed, Reform UK’s Chris Farmer, Steve Gower who is standing for George Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain, Labour’s Alex McIntyre, Green Party candidate Adam Shearing and Liberal Democrat Rebecca Trimnell.

Also standing is Independent Fred Ramsey. Below the candidates have set out the reasons they believe voters should put their faith in them on July 4.

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Akhlaque Ahmed - Socialist Labour Party

Residents of Gloucester. My name is Akhlaque Ahmed.

I’m here to be the servant of the people of Gloucester. The voice to represent the city, the people and communities.

I am not a self serving politician to represent myself. I am a voice of Gloucester.

I am married with three children and proud to be a resident here. I work in the health industry supporting people with mental and physical illness.

I love my job helping and supporting people less fortunate. As we stand on the brink of a new era for Gloucester, we envision a city transformed by the principles of communism, where the collective good triumphs over individual greed.

Our mission is to foster a community where every citizen's basic needs are met, ensuring equality, justice, and shared prosperity. First, we will nationalise key industries, including healthcare, housing, and education.

By eliminating the profit motive, we can ensure that everyone has access to essential services, reducing inequality and improving quality of life. We will implement a robust public housing program to provide affordable homes for all, ending homelessness and housing insecurity.

Our economy will be restructured to prioritise workers' rights and cooperative ownership. By supporting worker-owned businesses and cooperatives, we will create a more democratic workplace, where profits are shared among those who contribute to the success of the enterprise.

We’ll invest in sustainable infrastructure, focusing on renewable energy and public transportation, reducing our carbon footprint while creating green jobs. This will not only address the climate crisis but also stimulate economic growth.

Through communal decision-making processes, every citizen will have a voice in shaping Gloucester's future. Together, we will build a city where resources are distributed fairly, opportunities are abundant, and everyone thrives.

Keir Starmer's new Labour is not true Labour. It's a self serving party.

Please vote for fairness, true beliefs, equality and collective community working for the best of our city. We are your voice, the voice of the people.

Chris Farmer - Reform UK

Reform UK candidate - Chris Farmer
Socialist Labour Party candidate for Gloucester Akhlaque Ahmed

Ten Reasons to Vote for Chris Farmer: Gloucester Reform UK:

I am Chris Farmer. I am standing for Reform UK in the Great City of Gloucester.

I am born and bred in Gloucester. I went to Sir Thomas Rich’s School and I run a training business.

Please vote for me if you think we should:

  1. Stop Illegal and Unlimited Immigration. Allow only legal and limited immigration.

  2. Cure the Cost of Living Crisis by lowering taxes and scrapping Net Zero. The Labour Party’s Ed Miliband costed Net Zero at £224 billion which comes from the pockets of the poor.

  3. Grow Free Enterprise Economy. Stop destroying small businesses. Instead, we will create many, small and medium sized family businesses in Gloucester.

  4. Improve NHS Funding and Efficiency: And investigate the high levels of excess deaths and long-term sickness.

  5. Get the Police Back to Fighting Real Crimes such as burglary, robbery, and knife crimes: Stop them wasting time investigating “Hate speech” which is an attack on free speech.

  6. Repair Our Roads: Fix the potholes! Stop attacking motorists with ever higher costs, fines and taxes.

  7. End the Housing Crisis. Fast track house building; and stop mass immigration, both measures will help people find affordable housing and own their own home.

  8. End the poverty trap. Get people off benefits and back to work. Make work pay.

  9. The UK is an independent sovereign nation. We must not take orders from the EU, WHO, UN, or WEF corporate globalists. Preserve British culture and heritage against attacks by hostile, foreign ideologies.

If you agree, vote for me: Chris Farmer, Gloucester Reform UK. If you want to contact me, please email at

Steve Gower - Workers Party of Britain

My name is Steve Gower. I have advocated for the homeless in Gloucester since 2016, after I became homeless due to a relationship breakdown.

I have seen first hand the injustices within a system designed to perpetuate homelessness, resulting in individuals needing the most support, left on the street. My documentary "Blackdog Way" attempts to explain these issues. I am now working on a pilot project called "Blue Lantern" which provides a wrap around solution.

“Everyone is entitled to live without fear in a safe and warm environment within their own home” I personally aspire to create the solution in gloucester. I stand on the platform with the Workers Party of Britain.

For a decent future for our GenZs and onwards. No Poverty. More Homes. More Social Care. No Wars.

Richard Graham - Conservative and Unionist Party

Conservative candidate for Gloucester Richard Graham
Reform UK candidate for Gloucester, Chris Farmer -Credit:Chris Farmer

Gloucester - I’ve tried to repay the honour you’ve given me of representing you since 2010 by working non stop for you and our city ever since. We’ve done a lot together.

We rocket boosted apprenticeships and slashed youth unemployment, brought several historical sites and the Railway Triangle back to life, and helped bring Gloucester City FC back home.

We’ve built a record number of new houses, improved the bus station, increased train services, and brought the University into the City Centre for the first time ever. We’ve even enhanced the Cathedral, one of over 40 Heritage wins we’ve had in my time and that I’ve supported or led.

On your behalf I can be stubborn: I refused to accept that Gloucester should have the second worst performing comprehensive in the country. The renamed Gloucester Academy, in brand new buildings, is now the 11th most improved school in the country.

I’ve also supported the better results from Academy Trusts by hosting Jobs Fairs every year (except pandemic) to highlight opportunities for the young, those on Universal Credit, which has simplified benefits (and rewarded the principle that work always pays) as well as older workers re-skilling.

The key is persistence – whether advocating for key projects, like the train station underpass, the A38 improvements at Llanthony, or for individual constituents needing help. Because when you have a problem that’s when you need your MP: someone you can trust, with a track record of getting things done and who will stick at it.

So with your support on July 4 l want to keep Winning for Gloucester and there’s much to do - from the transformation of the Eastgate Centre / Greyfriars and the ex-prison to a new Dental Skills Hub, a new Medical Innovation Centre and many more train services north.

Let’s do it! Do mail me on if you’d like to know more or to help me Keep Winning For Gloucester

Alex McIntyre - Labour Party

Alex McIntyre (centre) is Labour's candidate for Gloucester
Workers Party of Britain candidate for Gloucester Steve Gower

I’m Alex McIntyre and I’m standing to be Gloucester’s next Labour MP. I live locally with my wife and baby boy who spent his first night in Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.

I am currently a solicitor representing our NHS and have previously worked in a number of sectors including hospitality. In my spare time I am a season ticket holder at both Gloucester Rugby and Gloucester City AFC.

I am putting myself forward at this election because I believe it is time for change in our city. 14 years of consecutive Conservative governments have left our city and the country worse off.

Living standards are down. Crime goes unpunished. Ambulances never come. Schools crumble over our children’s heads. Sewage dumped in our rivers.

Mortgages and food prices are through the roof. If the Conservatives get five more years, nothing will change.

It doesn’t have to be like this. If I am elected as your MP, I will fight for a better future for our city by:

  1. Tackling the cost of living crisis - keeping taxes, mortgages and inflation low. We will cut energy bills for good by switching on Great British Energy too.

  2. Cutting NHS waiting lists - delivering more appointments on evenings and weekends and making sure you can see your GP and local dentist when you need to.

  3. Making our streets safe again - cracking down on anti-social behaviour in Gloucester and putting more police on our streets.

  4. Building more affordable homes - getting local first-time buyers onto the housing ladder and delivering developments that work for local communities.

  5. Delivering the best start for your children - ensuring no child goes to school hungry, hiring more specialist teachers for local schools and ensuring mental health support for every child.

Those are my priorities if I am elected as your MP. I promise to be accessible to you with regular surgeries across the city, I will never take a second job outside Government and I will always put Gloucester first, championing our city at every opportunity.

At this general election, voters in Gloucester have a choice, between five more years of Conservative chaos or change with Labour.

Adam Shearing - Green Party

Green Party candidate for Gloucester Adam Shearing
Conservative candidate for Gloucester Richard Graham -Credit:Getty Images

My name is Adam Shearing, and I've lived in Gloucester since February 2020. As we all know, this country is struggling, and it needs leadership that will breathe life into its economy, its environmental protections, and its support systems for its people.

I'm standing for Parliament because the Green Party has always had this purpose. We are known for our unmatched resolve to protect our only planet, but this isn't all: throughout our manifesto you will find evidence-based policies designed for the common good, and strong humanitarian principles both at home and abroad.

Our policy on Gaza, for example, is to call for a bilateral ceasefire in order to save innocent lives. We advocate a suspension of arms exports to Israel and the release of all hostages. I am proud of the Green Party's strong stance, because I, like you, am appalled by the barbarity and want to end it as soon as possible.

I am standing to help alleviate suffering in this country too. Our drug policy follows the best research, which tells us that the current punitive policies are ineffective. Furthermore, we intend to introduce rent controls and deter speculative buying so as to control the housing and rental markets.

We mean to bring about progressive criminal justice and policing reforms, for a society that is safe and free. Our policies are not cheap – I find effective ones usually aren't – but our manifesto is supported by solid economic policies.

These include a Wealth Tax on the richest 1 per cent and a Dirty Profits Tax on North Sea oil and gas. We expect this to raise £75bn and drive the country towards cleaner energy.

This is by no means comprehensive, but I hope you can see why I am standing for the Green Party and the benefit these policies would have for Gloucester. More Green votes leads to more and louder Green voices, so even if we don't win, we can hold the ruling party to account. That is why it is important to vote Green this on July 4.

Rebecca Trimnell Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrat candidate for Gloucester Rebecca Trimnell
Alex McIntyre (centre) is Labour's candidate for Gloucester -Credit:Alex McIntyre

"I moved to Gloucester in 2011 with my daughter and have for the last 11 years lived close to the Cathedral and St Oswald's Priory. I was recently re-elected as the local councillor for the city ward of Westgate after first winning the seat in a by-election in 2023.

"I have worked for many years in Health and Social Care. It concerns me deeply that Adult Social Care is on the brink of collapse and the NHS is in desperate need of reform. In Gloucester, an NHS dentist is non-existent with many people unable to afford dental treatment. It's simply not good enough.

"Gloucester has so much history and diversity yet over the years I have sadly witnessed the city's decline especially within the city centre itself with many residents choosing other places to spend their time and money.

"Gloucester’s residents and businesses have waited far too long for growth, investment and opportunities. It is time that we bring Gloucester back to life where everyone is equal and all who live and work here are seen as first and foremost a priority.

"I would be delighted to be given the opportunity to become Gloucester's next MP, I want to strengthen its economy by making it a city that's resilient and fair focusing also on creativity for future generations. Most importantly, I will listen with compassion and will act with the very best intentions for all who live and work in the place that I already proudly call my home."

Wing Commander (Rtd) Ramsey, Fred - Independent

I have lived in Gloucester for over four decades. I would like you to join me in making Gloucester Glorious again.

As we embark on a journey to enhance the City of Gloucester. With a military background and extensive experience working with diverse communities, I am committed to implementing strategies that will ensure safety, unity, and prosperity for all our residents.

My military service has instilled in me the values of discipline, leadership, and resilience. These principles will guide our efforts to create a safer Gloucester. We will work closely with local policing teams to enhance public safety, employing advanced training programs and community policing strategies. This will foster trust and cooperation between our police and the neighbourhoods they serve, ensuring that everyone feels secure and protected.

Diversity is Gloucester’s strength. My experience in diverse communities has taught me the importance of inclusion and representation. We will establish community advisory boards that reflect our city's rich cultural tapestry, giving a voice to all groups and ensuring their concerns are addressed. These boards will help bridge gaps, promote understanding, and celebrate our shared humanity.

Economic development is crucial for our city’s future. We will attract businesses by highlighting Gloucester's strategic location and skilled workforce. My military logistics experience will be invaluable in optimising our infrastructure, ensuring efficient transportation and communication networks that support growth. By fostering public-private partnerships, we will create job opportunities and stimulate local businesses.

Education is the cornerstone of a thriving community. We will invest in our schools, ensuring that every child has access to quality education and resources. My background in structured training environments will help us develop programs that prepare our youth for the challenges of tomorrow, emphasising STEM fields, critical thinking, and leadership skills.

People have lost trust in party politics. There is no credible party to vote for; people are despondent with both the major parties and fed up with backbiting and in fighting.

The three main parties are in a bubble of their own internal politics and personal interests and have forgotten that they are elected to represent the people, not their own party’s interests.