Guildford General Election Candidates 2024 given 100 words to sell themselves to you

The candidates standing for election in Guildford
-Credit: (Image: handout)

The July general election is fast approaching and the final list of candidates standing in Guildford has been revealed.

The Conservatives will be trying to defend their seats in Surrey, while the Lib Dems are polling as the favourites to win. With Labour points ahead nationally, will it be able to persuade Guildford voters to go red?

SurreyLive gave every candidate 100 words (they've been cut off if they've gone over) to pitch why you should vote for them. The candidates are below, in alphabetical order by surname. But for more on what voters think, read our story when we took to Guildford high street here.

READ MORE: Surrey General Election candidates 2024: Every candidate standing

Zoe Franklin - Liberal Democrat

"Guildford's been my home for 25 years. I've always been passionate about making a positive difference for the community I live in and love. I was elected as a councillor in 2008. I continue to be a dedicated, determined campaigner.

“After 14 years of Conservative Government, so many people share with me their struggles of paying their bills, feeding and clothing their children, getting GP and dentist appointments - it is heartbreaking. Seeing our beautiful River Wey polluted with sewage is sickening.

“What drives me is my passion to be the strong, independent-minded champion Guildford and our villages needs in Parliament."

Sarah Gillinson - Labour Party

“I’ve spent the last 15 years leading an organisation that helps people to transform public services, improving many thousands of lives. Through my work, I’ve seen communities up and down the country devastated by 14 years of Conservative government. I see the same in Guildford - families unable to afford household bills or see a doctor. It’s time for change.

“That’s why I am fighting for every vote to become Guildford’s first Labour MP - because I know that Labour’s serious, costed plans for change will deliver great local health care, reduce your bills, and give us all hope for the future.”

John Morris - The Peace Party

"I want to be the next MP for Guildford to show our constituents that they can live in a land where Peace is achieved only through non-violence, that Peace is the product of Happiness and Wellbeing. A manifesto encompassing these Qualities means, for example, everyone having an adequate income, enjoying healthy life, top quality education and where there is trust in a well-functioning government.”

John is a retired teacher and administrator in education. He is Chair of the Peace Research and Education Trust. He holds various offices within the Religious Society of Friends in Guildford and area.

Sam Peters - The Green Party

“Only the Green Party has bold policies we desperately need – like taking water back into public hands to function for public good, not private profit; a wealth tax on billionaires; investing properly in insulation and cheap, clean power; rent controls for secure housing; free school meals for all schoolchildren; reversing NHS privatisation; and many more.”

Sam was born and raised in Guildford. A former intensive care researcher, he is deeply involved in local community work, most notably with Zero Carbon Guildford. Sam is a key member of projects including River Wey testing, Community Fridge, free home energy surveys, and litter picking.

Angela Richardson - The Conservative Party

Angela moved to the UK from New Zealand in 1999. She has lived in and around Guildford since 2002 with her husband and three children. Following a career in investment banking operations, Angela became a volunteer in her community. and has served as Guildford’s MP since 2019.

Since being first elected, Angela has helped thousands of families and individuals through some of the toughest years in recent memory. Angela has demonstrated complete commitment to Guildford and our villages, working hard to deliver for our community, securing improvements in healthcare, infrastructure and more, because she knows Guildford deserves the best.

Dennis Saunders - Reform UK

“Having lived or worked in and around Guildford for half a century, I know the City and villages well. Starting at MAFF in Guildford, I subsequently founded a business from scratch, subsequently employing 60 people, generating huge sums in tax; I believe in business growth to fund government spending, not borrowing.

“I was a Tory in the 80s, but the three main parties are now the same, so - exasperated with all current politicians - I am standing for Reform UK for traditional values. Personally, I flew gliders, light aircraft (including a Spitfire!) with a PPL, and am a widower.”

You have until Tuesday, June 18 to register to vote - and don't forget your ID!