General Election 2024 LIVE: Tories risk being 'all but wiped out' in London, says new poll as leaders fight for votes

General Election 2024 LIVE: Tories risk being 'all but wiped out' in London, says new poll as leaders fight for votes

The Conservatives are at risk of being “all but wiped out” in London, according to a new poll.

The Savanta poll found that both Reform and the Liberal Democrats are set to benefit from the Tory troubles, but Labour overall commands a 30-point lead in Londoners’ voting intentions — 49 per cent to 19 per cent for the Conservatives.

It comes as the main party leaders threw themselves into final-week campaigning four days before the electikon - in the case of Ed Davey, literally, as he went bungee jumping in Eastbourne.

In the last Monday of campaigning, Rishi Sunak admitted voters were “frustrated” with the Tory government.

He told an audience in Staffordshire: “If these polls are right, and Labour are in power with a supermajority, you have to think about what that will mean... If you hand Labour a blank cheque you will not be able to get it back.”

Sir Keir Starmer took questions from the press in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, as his Labour party urged voters not to “risk waking up to five more years of a Conservative government”.

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Live coverage ends

Monday 1 July 2024 21:39 , Jacob Phillips

The Evening Standard’s live coverage has ended.

Read all the latest political stories from the Standard here.

'Putting up taxes is in Labour's DNA' says Sunak

Monday 1 July 2024 21:18 , Jacob Phillips

Putting up taxes is in Labour's DNA, Rishi Sunak claimed as he urged voters to work urgently over the next three days to prevent the "danger" of a Labour government.

Speaking at a campaign event in Leicestershire, the Prime Minister said: "Friends, we have got urgent work to do. We have three days to save Britain from the danger of a Labour government.

"A Labour government that would hike up everyone's taxes by £2,000, would shunt our politics to the left, and they would change the rules to entrench themselves in power for a decade.

"We cannot let Britain sleepwalk into this. It is our job, it is our duty, to wake people up to that danger.

"So I say to all of you, I say to every Conservative, don't surrender to Labour, fight for every vote, fight for our values, and fight for our vision of Britain."

He added: "Once you've given Labour a blank cheque, you won't be able to get it back. And that means that your taxes are going up: your car, your pension, your savings, your work, you name it, they will tax it thousands and thousands of pounds. It's what they always do. It's in their DNA."

 (POOL via Georgian public Broadca)
(POOL via Georgian public Broadca)

Parts of General Election campaign have been 'nasty' says Rayner

Monday 1 July 2024 19:10 , Jacob Phillips

Labour's Angela Rayner said parts of the General Election campaign have been "nasty".

Speaking at Citizens UK's General Election assembly, the party's deputy leader admitted that politics is not always a nice business to be in, adding: "Bits of this election campaign have been a bit nasty."

Elsewhere in her speech Ms Rayner said greater devolution is one of the "key things" she wants to deliver, if elected later this week.

She added that it is the "people on the ground" who "know what needs to be done" in their areas.

Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner (PA Wire)
Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner (PA Wire)

Sir Ed Davey flung around in inflatable doughnut

Monday 1 July 2024 18:33 , Jacob Phillips

Liberal Democrats leader Sir Ed Davey has been flung around in an inflatable doughnut in his latest stunt.

Following quickly on from his bungee jump on Monday morning, Sir Ed rode the inflatable during a visit to Lakeside Ski & Wake in the Cotswolds.

The politician had earlier asked voters to take a “leap of faith” as he threw himself off a crane on the campaign trail.

Ed Davey rides an inflatable doughnut (REUTERS)
Ed Davey rides an inflatable doughnut (REUTERS)
Ed Davey rides an inflatable while campaigning (REUTERS)
Ed Davey rides an inflatable while campaigning (REUTERS)
Ed Davey carried out his second stunt of the day (REUTERS)
Ed Davey carried out his second stunt of the day (REUTERS)

Prime Minister swapped notes with Gareth Southgate

Monday 1 July 2024 17:27 , Jacob Phillips

Rishi Sunak said he has swapped notes on handling criticism of his leadership with England manager Gareth Southgate.

The Prime Minister told the BBC he had spoken to Southgate when it was announced the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland will co-host the Euro 2028 football tournament.

"His and I are the jobs everyone thinks they could probably do it better, and has a view.

"But look, you know, I think when it comes to those things, and the criticism, which of course is par for the course, you know, it's easy to deal with when you have a conviction in what you believe - and I do.

"And I appreciate that not everyone will agree with me, but I'm clear about what I want to do for our country."

Gareth Southgate has spoken to the Prime Minister about facing criticism (Getty Images)
Gareth Southgate has spoken to the Prime Minister about facing criticism (Getty Images)

'Is there a Rishi Sunak version of the Jude Bellingham kick?'

Monday 1 July 2024 17:22 , Jacob Phillips

Rishi Sunak has been asked by the BBC if he has the political version of Jude Bellingham’s bicycle kick.

The Prime Minister replied with a cricket reference, saying his reply is “more a flashy cover-drive or off-drive”.

He described the election as “an important choice about the future” adding that he strongly feels he can “provide the leadership that people want after a difficult few years”.

 (Jonathan Brady/PA Wire)
(Jonathan Brady/PA Wire)

'I haven't finished at 6pm ever' says Prime Minister

Monday 1 July 2024 16:48 , Jacob Phillips

Rishi Sunak suggested he would never finish work at 6pm, after Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said in an interview that he rarely does work-related duties after six o'clock on Fridays in order to protect family time with his children.

Asked about Sir Keir's comments, the Prime Minister said: "I haven't seen the comments but what I would say is - what time is it now? - I haven't finished at six ever.

"We would only have a couple of hours left in the day at this point, which is not great."

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

'Zionist child killer' sprayed on Conservative campaign office

Monday 1 July 2024 16:15 , Jacob Phillips

The words “Zionist child killer” have been spray painted over a Conservative candidate’s campaign office.

Robert Largan, who is seeking re-election in High Peak, Derbyshire, posted a picture on X of the message written across the windows in red paint.

It comes after Walthamstow MP Stella Creasy’s office was vandalised last week.

Planning reform 'highest priority' says Starmer

Monday 1 July 2024 16:02 , Jacob Phillips

Sir Keir Starmer said planning reform is his highest priority as he committed to start work on it "straight away" if he is elected later this week.

Asked if his first action would be to reform the planning system, the Labour leader replied: "Yes."

Speaking to ITV News, he added: "We cannot go on with the system as it is. Infrastructure takes years. Housing takes years to build. We're too slow. We're too expensive. We're over budget.

"We cannot go on like that. We have to take the tough decisions to get the country moving. And we'll start on that if we're elected in to serve our country, we'll start on that straight away.

Sir Keir also said he wants to see "an NHS that's not just back on its feet, but fit for the next 75 years".

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer speaks to the media during a visit to the Shoulder of Mutton Pub in Little Horwood (PA Wire)
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer speaks to the media during a visit to the Shoulder of Mutton Pub in Little Horwood (PA Wire)

Theresa May leaves video message while canvassing in Scotland

Monday 1 July 2024 15:37 , Will Mata

Theresa May was out canvassing in Perth and Kinross-shire for local candidate Luke Graham when she left a resident a video message to remember.

The former prime minister, who is not standing in 2024, knocked on the resident’s door but left a message through their doorbell.

She said: “My name is Theresa May, and I'm here supporting Luke Graham, the conservative candidate for the general election on the 4th of July.

“As you're not in, I'll pop a leaflet through your door.”

Mr Graham shared the funny incident on his Twitter page.

Sir Keir Starmer would work with Marine Le Pen

Monday 1 July 2024 14:58 , Will Mata

Sir Keir Starmer said a victory for France's National Rally would not damage Labour's goal of negotiating a "better deal" with the European Union.

Asked whether he would be willing to work with Marine Le Pen's party, the Labour leader told reporters in Buckingham and Bletchley: "I will work with any government in Europe and across the world if we are elected in to serve the country. For me, that's what serious government is about."

Pressed on Ms Le Pen's preference for bilateral deals over EU-wide ones, Sir Keir said: "I've always supported bilaterals as well as EU-wide agreements. They're not mutually exclusive.

"And some of the agreements we've got with France are bilateral in any event. I think they need to be stronger and better and deeper, particularly in relation to smashing the gangs that are running the vile trade of putting people into boats.

"But there are also EU measures. The security agreement we want with the EU when it comes to dealing with smuggling gangs is really important."


Starmer dismisses questions over Vladimir Putin meeting

Monday 1 July 2024 14:38 , Will Mata

Sir Keir Starmer dismissed questions on whether he would meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin if he were to become prime minister.

Speaking during a campaign visit to Buckingham and Bletchley, the Labour leader told reporters: "Look at the moment that is simply not an issue. He is the aggressor in Ukraine, and the most important thing is to be absolutely clear that our support for Ukraine is on a united front in this country.

"And the current Government and us as the Opposition have spoken with one voice since the outbreak of this conflict. That was a deliberate decision that I took.

"I've been to see President Zelensky in Kyiv myself personally to say, should there be a change of government, there won't be any change in our support for Ukraine."

He continued: "Without getting ahead of ourselves, obviously, an important event next week is the Nato summit in Washington, where one of the big issues will be the continued support for Ukraine."

Keir Starmer has faced questions over Vladimir Putin (REUTERS)
Keir Starmer has faced questions over Vladimir Putin (REUTERS)

Rishi Sunak unbothered by delays to postal votes

Monday 1 July 2024 14:30 , Will Mata

Rishi Sunak is not concerned that some people could be disenfranchised by delays to receiving their postal votes ahead of polling day, Downing Street has said.

The Government is aware of some issues around the printing and delivery of postal ballot packs in some local areas and is working to help resolve them, according to No 10.

It comes after Scotland's First Minister John Swinney warned that some Scots could be "disenfranchised" if their postal votes cannot be filled out and returned on time.

Voters north of the border reported still not having received their ballots with days to go until July 4, with some now overseas.

The Electoral Commission was not able to share information about which areas have been affected.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Sir Ed takes part in Zumba class

Monday 1 July 2024 14:17 , Will Mata

Sir Ed Davey has taken part in a Zumba class in Berkshire.

Dressed in T-shirt and shorts, the Lib Dem leader put on a display full of enthusiasm and questionable timing as he waved his arms, moved his feet and swung his hips to the music.

Speaking ahead of polling day, Sir Ed said: "To get the change our country needs this week and beat the Conservatives in scores of seats, I am asking people to take a leap of faith and vote for the Liberal Democrats.

"A lot of people are on the cusp of doing something they've never done before on Thursday and voting for the Liberal Democrats, so I decided to do something I've never done before, too.

"Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote to fix the NHS and care, end the sewage scandal and tackle the cost-of-living crisis."

British leader of the Liberal Democrats party Ed Davey participates in a Zumba class (REUTERS)
British leader of the Liberal Democrats party Ed Davey participates in a Zumba class (REUTERS)

What are your election questions?

Monday 1 July 2024 13:56 , Will Mata

Sunak defends messaging over Labour

Monday 1 July 2024 13:05 , Tom Davidson

Sunak defended his messaging when it was put to him that he was, on the one hand, warning of a Labour landslide, and on the other, claiming he could still be Prime Minister on July 5.

He told reporters in Staffordshire: “No, I think it’s the same.

“I’m fighting hard for for every vote. I am out there fighting my hardest to talk to as many people as possible to win this election.

“The point I was making is that if these polls are replicated, what that means is people will, I think as I said, unwittingly – I don’t think that’s their intention – I don’t want them to sleepwalk into inadvertently doing something that hands Labour an unchecked majority to do what they want in the country.”

Sunak goes after Labour on immigration again

Monday 1 July 2024 12:41 , Tom Davidson

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has suggested the UK would become the “soft touch of Europe” on illegal migration under a Labour government.

Challenged over his claim that migrants in Calais are waiting for a Labour government before making the crossing, Mr Sunak told broadcasters: “That’s what the illegal migrants themselves in Calais are saying.

“They know Rwanda is not somewhere they would like to go, it is a deterrent. It’s very simple – I don’t think illegal migrants should get to stay in our country.”

Mr Sunak added: “A vote for anyone else just means that we are going to become the soft touch of Europe when it comes to illegal migration.

“We’ve had two debates head-to-head and anyone who has watched them will have seen that Keir Starmer just simply can’t answer the question – what would he do with illegal migrants that come to our country. He doesn’t have a plan, I have a plan.”

Sunak insists it was the "right moment" to call an election

Monday 1 July 2024 12:38 , Will Mata

Rishi Sunak insisted it was "the right moment" for a General Election when asked about fellow Tories' anger about the timing of the contest.

The Prime Minister told reporters in Staffordshire: "I said when I got this job, my priority was to deliver economic stability, and that was done.

“Inflation back to target from 11 per cent, the economy fastest growing in the G7, wages rising, energy bills falling, taxes starting to be cut.

"And that's why it's the right moment for the country to decide what future it wants."

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak appearing on the BBC 1 current affairs programme, Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg (PA) (PA Media)
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak appearing on the BBC 1 current affairs programme, Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg (PA) (PA Media)

Poll suggets total wipeout in London for Tories

Monday 1 July 2024 12:23 , Will Mata

One quarter of London voters who backed Tory candidate Susan Hall for Mayor are set to desert her party for Reform UK in this week’s election, with the Conservatives at risk of being “all but wiped out” in the capital.

Polling by Savanta found that both Reform and the Liberal Democrats are set to benefit from the Tory troubles but Labour overall commands a 30-point lead in Londoners’ voting intentions — 49 per cent to 19 per cent for the Conservatives.

Nigel Farage’s Reform UK stood at 11 per cent in London, the Lib Dems were on 10 per cent and the Greens on six. Chris Hopkins of Savanta said: “Our research suggests that the Conservatives could be all but wiped out from London this week, if our results are replicated on election day. Their party is deeply unpopular in the capital, leaking votes to Reform UK and facing threats from both Labour and the Liberal Democrats.”

'I know you're frustrated with me' - Sunak

Monday 1 July 2024 11:49 , Will Mata

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, speaking at a campaign event in Staffordshire, said: "It's a big week, I'm going to cut straight to it. I know many of you who supported us in the past have some hesitations about doing that again.

"I know you're frustrated with me, frustrated with our party, it hasn't been an easy few years for anybody, I get all of that, we haven't got everything right, we've made mistakes. I appreciate and hear your frustration.

"But when you go to the polls on Thursday you have to remember this is not a by-election. This is a choice about who governs our country for years and I would urge you not to sleepwalk into that, think about what that will mean for you and your family and the impact that'll have.

"In particular, if these polls are right, and Labour are in power with a supermajority, you have to think about what that will mean - a Labour government unchecked, no-one to hold them accountable, no-one to stand up to them in Parliament and all of the impact it would have on all of your lives.

"If you hand Labour a blank cheque you will not be able to get it back."

Mr Sunak added: "If I remain as your Prime Minister on Friday we will keep going to cut all of your taxes."

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (PA Wire)
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (PA Wire)

Sunak asked about immigration

Monday 1 July 2024 11:42 , Will Mata

Rishi Sunak declined to comment on the gains made by National Rally in France.

A worker asked the prime minister what he would do on immigration as he considers Marine Le Pen’s party to have a “clear policy”.

He replied: “There are two types of immigration: For legal, the numbers were just too high and I want to bring them down. The number of visas we have issued is down by 30 per cent.

“When it comes to illegal migration, I think it is unfair. That’s why we need to take quite radical action. We need to make it clear that if they come to this country they will not get to stay.”

He then doubled down on his Rwanda policy.

Rishi Sunak speaks to the media

Monday 1 July 2024 11:30 , Will Mata

Rishi Sunak attended a rally in Staffordshire factory.

The prime minister has been on a final tour of the country as he seeks to hang onto power or at least not give Labour a “supermajority”.

He said: “I love our country for what it has done for my family.

“My grandparents came here with very little and I stand here in front of you with the enormous privilege of having been your chancellor and prime minister.

“I will always work my socks off for you. You saw me do that in covid with furlough, that is the sort of person I am.

“If you keep putting your trust in me, I will keep working for you.”

Rishi Suank is in Staffordshire (AFP via Getty Images)
Rishi Suank is in Staffordshire (AFP via Getty Images)

James Cleverly claims Labour will gerrymander

Monday 1 July 2024 11:09 , Will Mata

Home Secretary James Cleverly has claimed Labour will "gerrymander" and "distort" the British political system in order to ensure a permanent majority.

With just four days to go until polling day on July 4, each party has ramped up its General Election campaigning with increasingly bitter attacks as the Conservatives warn of Sir Keir Starmer's party heading for a "supermajority".

With Labour continuing to dominate opinion polls, Mr Cleverly suggested that the party would use a large majority to make more people eligible to vote including "foreign nationals" and "criminals".

Meanwhile, Labour are fighting voter complacency as they warn the public could "wake up to five more years of the Tories".

Home Secretary James Cleverlly (PA Wire)
Home Secretary James Cleverlly (PA Wire)

Sunak set to make speech with three days to go

Monday 1 July 2024 11:03 , Will Mata

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will on Monday say only his Conservatives can counter a Labour-led government and that a vote for Nigel Farage's right-wing Reform UK would hamper any chance of his party forming a strong opposition.

Appearing to all but concede defeat before Thursday's election, Sunak will appeal to those voters on the political right who are considering voting for Farage's party in protest at his Conservative government.

The Conservatives look set to be kicked out of office after 14 turbulent years, marked by Britain's vote to leave the European Union in 2016 and the cost of living crisis that followed the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Opinion polls have consistently given Keir Starmer's centre-left Labour Party an around 20 point lead, with support for Reform potentially splitting the centre right-vote and the centrist Liberal Democrats further draining Conservative support.

What Ed Davey shouted as he fell

Monday 1 July 2024 10:34 , Will Mata

Ed Davey yelled “Do something you’ve never done before, vote Liberal Democrat” as he plunged down on his bungee jump.

The Lib Dem leader took part in the stunt on Monday morning in Eastbourne - one of the seats the party is targeting on Thursday’s election.

His key campaign issue of the day is family bereavement.

 (Gareth Fuller/PA Wire)
(Gareth Fuller/PA Wire)

Labour release video

Monday 1 July 2024 10:26 , Will Mata

Labour have released a video to promote their message against complacency.

The party has been banging the drum on Monday with their ‘Don’t wake up to five more years of a Conservative government’ message.

Sir Keir Starmer put forward the message as well from his media visit in Hitchin.

As well as giving out pillows to journalists, the party has released this video on its social media channels.

Starmer's reacton to the far right winning in France

Monday 1 July 2024 10:19 , Will Mata

Sir Keir Starmer was asked about the victory for Marine Le Pen’s party’s victory in the French elections on Sunday.

“The lesson we take from that is that we need to address the concerns of so many,” the Labour leader said.

“They feel the country is too broken to be mended or that they can’t trust politicians.

“We have to show that only progressives have the answers to these challenges.”

Starmer's 'summer of change'

Monday 1 July 2024 10:16 , Will Mata

Sir Keir Starmer, taking questions from the media in Hitchin, said he would be wanting to bring forward a “summer of change” if elected.

The Labour leader was asked if he could identify three things that would manifest if the party wins the election on Thursday.

He said: “The most important change is about how we do politics and returning politics to service. People are fed up with politics as a form of self entitlement.

“All of that comes to an end with a Labour government.”

He said extra appointments in the NHS, more teachers and extra police officers will be among the first things that Labour introduce.

Sir Keir Starmer gives speech from Hitchin

Monday 1 July 2024 10:09 , William Mata

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer gave his first address on Monday from Hitchin Town FC ground, underlying the need to “vote for change”.

He said, “I am beginning to think we are the only positive campaign left on the pitch,” before adding, “Imagine waking up on Friday to five more years of the Conservatives”.

“If you don’t vote Labour on Thursday that could happen.”

The ‘five more years line’ appears to be one Labour are pushing on Monday, with shadow environmental secretary Steve Reed handing out pillows to journalists.

Sir Ed Davey bungee jumps in Eastbourne

Monday 1 July 2024 09:54 , Will Mata

Sir Ed Davey has taken part in a bungee jump on his latest campaign stunt during a visit to Eastbourne.

The Liberal Democrat leader jumped from a high platform at Eastbourne Borough Football Club.

He was heard to shout as he fell from the platform before being slowly lowered to the ground.

He is on his third day of his final battlebus tour that will take in all sides of the country.

Sir Ed is pushing for payments for bereaved families as his topic of the day.

He has previously been paddling and bike riding on his tour.

 (Gareth Fuller/PA Wire)
(Gareth Fuller/PA Wire)
 (Gareth Fuller/PA Wire)
(Gareth Fuller/PA Wire)
 (Gareth Fuller/PA Wire)
(Gareth Fuller/PA Wire)

John Swinney: 'I want to bring people together'

Monday 1 July 2024 09:23 , Will Mata

John Swinney has told callers on BBC Radio 5 Live that he will push forward for a second Scottish independence referendum.

The First Minister told Nicky Campbell “I want to bring people together,” in response to a caller’s concern about a devise vote.

“A lot has changed since 2014,” he added - saying the European Union vote had led Scots to seek closer ties to the continent.

“Scotland [should] have a chance to decide its own constitutional future.”

One caller called his response “awful” and said he “didn’t answer the question at all”.

First Minister John Swinney (PA) (PA Wire)
First Minister John Swinney (PA) (PA Wire)

Rishi Sunak meets Neasden community at Hindu temple

Monday 1 July 2024 09:09 , Will Mata

Prime minister Rishi Sunak visited Neasden Hindu temple yesterday - going for a walkabout in a large group of people for the first time in the campaign.

“The PM gave a speech to north west London’s Hindu community and was then meant to then make a relatively swift exit,” said PA’s David Lynch.

“Instead he decided to go for a walkabout, shaking hands, giving high fives to the kids.”

Cleverly accuses Labour of copying immigration policy

Monday 1 July 2024 08:56 , Will Mata

James Cleverly has said Labour is copying his work on immigration policy.

The Home Secretary told ITV's Good Morning Britain: "I'm absolutely determined as Home Secretary to continue looking at ways of smashing the gangs, interrupting their supply of boats, interrupting their supply of engines, interrupting their illegal money, and of course having the deterrent, the Rwanda scheme, which is designed to deter people from making that dangerous and illegal crossing."

Asked about his use of the phrase "smash the gangs", terminology associated with Labour's policy on immigration, Mr Cleverly said: "They are copying my work.

"Because we have worked with European law enforcement agencies, we've successfully seized a number of boats that were in transit across Europe, a number of engines that were in transit across Europe interrupting their supply of money, so the National Crime Agency is doing that.

"I've made it clear since the day I was appointed as Home Secretary that my plan was to make it impossible for the criminal business and people-smuggling to operate."

Sir Keir Starmer says being a father has made him a better leader

Monday 1 July 2024 08:45 , Will Mata

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said being a father helps make him a better politician.

He told Virgin Radio: "We've had a strategy in place and we'll try to keep to it, which is to carve out really protected time for the kids, so on a Friday - I've been doing this for years - I will not do a work-related thing after six o'clock, pretty well come what may.

"There are a few exceptions, but that's what we do."

He said his son and daughter are his "pride and joy" and "I don't want to lose that time".

He added: "I don't believe in the theory that you are a better decision-maker if you don't allow yourself the space to be a dad and to have time for your kids.

"Actually, it helps me, it takes me away from the pressure, it relaxes me, and I think, actually, not only is it what I want to do as a dad, it is better."

In politics "some people think, if you fill your diary 24/7 and don't do anything else, that makes you a much better decision-maker".

"I don't agree with that, I think you've got to make space, so we do it.”

Steve Reed hands out pillows in 'don't wake up to five more years of the Tories'

Monday 1 July 2024 08:24 , Will Mata

Shadow environment secretary Steve Reed has handed out pillows to journalists at the start of the final week of Labour’s campaign.

The pillows are printed with a mocked-up photo of Rishi Sunak in bed and the words “Don’t wake up to five more years of the Tories”.

Earlier, Labour revealed a poster showing the same print of the prime minister.

Steve Reed hands out pillows (PA)
Steve Reed hands out pillows (PA)

Cleverly: 'Taxes are higher than they were because of unique circumstances'

Monday 1 July 2024 08:20 , Will Mata

James Cleverly has claimed that covid-19 and the Ukraine war are some the reasons behind why taxes are "higher than we would like".

The home secretary appeared on Sky News on Monday in a final week push.

“I totally recognise its incredibly hard for a large number of people,” he said.

“We have been making the right decisions to help people... all of that will be smashed to bits under a Labour government.”

Conservatives made last minute plea for donations to counter 'big' Labour plan

Monday 1 July 2024 08:13 , Will Mata

The Conservative Party wrote to previous donors on Sunday to make a last minute plea for cash.

At 3pm an email said it was £39,000 short of the fundraising target for June.

The email read: “Labour are asking their supporters for another one million pounds. And that's on top of the millions they've registered in big donations in the past few weeks.

“It's pretty obvious they've got something big planned for next week. And we're going to need to counter it. “

Rishi Sunak targeted by Labour in new ad attack

Monday 1 July 2024 08:02 , Miriam Burrell

As the election campaign enters its final days, Labour put out an image of the Prime Minister in bed with the message: “Don’t wake up to 5 more years of the Tories”.

Read more here.

 (The Labour Party)
(The Labour Party)

What's happening on the campaign trail today?

Monday 1 July 2024 07:49 , Miriam Burrell

Sir Keir Starmer

The Labour leader will go on a whistlestop tour across south-east England, speaking to activists in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.

Rishi Sunak

The Prime Minister is campaigning in the Midlands, warning that Labour would “change every rule” to consolidate power and make it harder to vote for a change of government.

John Swinney

The SNP leader and Scottish First Minister will be out in the north east of the country.

Mr Swinney will say that the election in Scotland is a contest of values – with only the SNP offering the hope of a better future for Scotland and a chance for the country to rejoin the bloc.

Sir Ed Davey

The Lib Dems leader will continue his campaign in so-called “blue wall” seats in the traditionally Conservative heartlands of southern England.

He will promote a Liberal Democrat pledge to spend £440 million a year on supporting widows and bereaved children during their toughest moments.

Labour and Tories clash over energy

Monday 1 July 2024 07:30 , Miriam Burrell

Tories are using a drop in the energy price cap to warn of a Labour “triple whammy” of job losses, higher taxes and poor investment which they claim would arise from the opposition party’s plans to boost green power.

The average household energy bill has fallen by 7% as of Monday after Ofgem lowered its price threshold in response to wholesale prices.

Labour said the change was no cause for celebration for the Tories, criticising Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho who it said “wants a round of applause even though energy bills are still hundreds of pounds a year higher for families than they were, and are forecast to rise again this autumn.”

Reform candidate drops out to back Tory contender

Monday 1 July 2024 06:58 , Miriam Burrell

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage is battling an ongoing fallout over allegations of racism within his party.

Yesterday the Reform candidate for Erewash, Liam Booth-Isherwood, dropped out of the race to back Tory contender Maggie Throup after becoming “disillusioned” with what he described as a “significant moral issue” within party ranks.

It comes after Mr Farage faced accusations from across the political divide of failing to tackle allegations of racism within Reform which have engulfed the party in recent days.

Party chairman Richard Tice claimed the candidate’s switch in support showed that Tories were offering inducements to Reform rivals “to persuade them to talk badly of Reform, stand down and then endorse the Tory candidate”.

Labour and Tories ramp up attacks in final week of campaign

Monday 1 July 2024 06:51 , Miriam Burrell

It’s the final week of the general election campaign before voters head to the polls on Thursday.

Labour has said the Tories’ election message centres on the view that “this is as good as it gets” for Britain, while Rishi Sunak doubled down on his warning not to “surrender” to the opposition party.

Today Mr Sunak is campaigning in the Midlands, including a visit to a business in Staffordshire. He will deliver a speech this evening.

Sir Keir Starmer is campaigning in the South East, with speeches in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.