General election 2024: Seven things we learned from the Yeovil hustings

The Gateway hustings in Yeovil. From left, Steve Ashton (independent), Laura Bailhache (Reform UK), Adam Dance (Liberal Democrat), moderator Simon Collins, Marcus Fysh (Conservative), Rebecca Montacute (Labour), Serena Wootton (Green)
-Credit: (Image: Daniel Mumby)

Candidates standing in the Yeovil constituency have laid out how they would improve the lives of local people if they are elected on July 4. The new Yeovil constituency follows almost the exact same boundaries as before, omitting the villages to the north of Yeovil (e.g. Ilchester) but still including the eponymous town along with Chard, Crewkerne and Ilminster.

All six candidates in the constituency gathered at the Gateway off Adderwell Road in Yeovil on Monday evening (June 24) for a hustings event, answering questions submitted in advance from an audience of around 200 people. The hustings was organised by Yeovil Churches and moderated by Simon Collins, who opened in prayer before the occasionally heated affair got under way

The six candidates standing in this seat are:

Here’s seven things we learned from these hustings:

1. Trust is a key issue

The candidates were asked about why people could trust them and how they would restore trust in UK politics. Mr Fysh said: "An adage I've always tried to stick by is: whatever you're doing, think what it would look like if it was splashed all over the newspapers.

"That is at the heart of trust - you have to believe in what you're doing and not be focussed on anything else. I've been pretty aghast at what has happened in politics recently, on all sides."

Ms Montacute said: "I grew up in Somerset in a single parent family. My mother had periods of unemployment - I understand what it's like to have those kinds of struggles.

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"After my mum died, I was shocked that politicians weren't open to hearing about the failings in the system. I need to be looking for those failures before we get to that crisis point - that will be my approach as your MP."

Ms Wootton, who worked as a teacher for 25 years, boldly claimed: "I was the hardest working teacher you would have known - I was first in and last out. I cannot lie - honestly, I don't have that ability in me."

Mr Ashton - who represents Crewkerne on Somerset Council - said: "The Nolan principles dictate you work altruistically, and that's it. I don't think anyone in my seat has complained that I haven't done my best."

Ms Bailhache said: "Anyone of a conservative mindset is going to feel let down by the last 14 years - they [the Conservative Party] are socialist. I don't trust Labour - they take voters for granted.

"I am confident that Reform has got the right ideas. You'll hear them coming in for a lot of flack because of that. It's not going to be comfortable medicine, but we need to go there."

Mr Dance criticised Ms Bailhache for turning up to the event late, stated: "We can't trust my colleague to the right to even keep the time. We need a constituency office that is open six days a week so you can come and see your MP.

"You want that face-to-face contact, and you will get it."

2. Candidates have done varying amounts to help out with the cost of living crisis

The panel were asked about the ongoing cost of living crisis and what they had done to address poverty within the constituency. Mr Fysh praised the work of the Lord's Larder, adding: "This church does incredible work in our community.

"One obviously wishes there wasn't poverty and hardship, but it has been a tough few years. The inflation caused by shutting down and reopening the global economy has been disastrous."

Ms Montacute said: "Mental health is an issue much more-so for lower income communities. The work I've done recently will improve access to those facilities.

"During the pandemic I looked at how the poorest would be most affected by the school closures, and we ensured there was the tutoring programme in schools to ensure those children could catch up." Ms Wootton: "At the end of my time as a town councillor, I decided the most important thing to come out of that time was the need for a community centre, a safe space where people can go and find food and support."

"I was one of the founder members of Chard Community Hub - I made sure we had access to grants. We got our community fridge very quickly, and we were able to get food out into the community - our pantry has gone from strength to strength."

Mr Ashton said: "I've worked with Abri to establish a van delivering food in Crewkerne. They had the sensible idea of calling it a club, so it doesn't look like people are receiving charity.

"I have helped them when they got tripped up over needing a traders' licence - there was going to be a three-month wait from the council, but I got that shortened to four weeks."

Mr Dance said: "We shouldn't have to have food banks in this country - it's appalling. We want to make sure every school child has a hot meal a day.

"When we had flooding in South Petherton, I walked through in waders to deliver the school's food." Ms Bailhache (who hails from Taunton) admitted: "I was only approved to stand here two weeks ago, so I haven't been doing anything in this constituency."

3. The future of Leonardo is a hot button issue

On at least one occasion in the evening, candidates exchanged verbal blows over the future of Leonardo Helicopters, one of Yeovil's main employers. Mr Fysh said: "We need the Leonardo contract not to be put into a Labour defence review and be delayed or cancelled.

"If we don't get the helicopter contract, we will be in deep trouble." Ms Montacute said: "My grandmother worked for Westlands and I will do what I can to fight for it.

"Keir Starmer is committed to our defence and our nuclear deterrent, and that is something I am behind." Ms Bailhache pledged an extra £3bn a year for defence, pledging: "We will raise the defence and agriculture budget and improve the NHS."

Mr Dance said: "We will invest in defence. Troop numbers are the lowest they've been for 200 years - we need to bring them back up to 100,000."

4. The Lib Dems' local record is divisive

The Lib Dems currently control Somerset Council, and represent most of the Yeovil divisions on the council. While many living in the seat have fond memories of the late Paddy Ashdown (who represented the seat between 1983 and 2001), others have unhappy about the party's local record, especially on the much-maligned Yeovil Refresh regeneration programme.

Mr Fysh said: "The Lib Dems are not the answer to anything - look at their project management. Adam Dance is not a serious person."

Mr Dance responded: "When you were a county councillor, you froze council tax for six years, which has caused Somerset Council's financial situation." Ms Bailhache added: "I don't trust the Lib Dems after what they did with tuition fees."

5. Saving Yeovil's stroke services is a top priority (for most of the candidates)

The Somerset NHS Integrated Care Board approved proposals earlier in the year to move all hyperacute stroke services currently offered at Yeovil Hospital to Dorchester - a move which local residents believe will put the elderly and vulnerable at risk. Mr Dance said: "Yeovil's stroke unit decision needs to be called in.

"Sending that money to Dorchester is ludicrous." Mr Ashton said: "The single highest issue is the stroke unit.

"I was on this before any of the other candidates. I fanatically believe that people will die and be damaged if this closes.

Yeovil Hospital
Design picture for Leonardo Helicopters' "Proteus" uncrewed aircraft

"The arguments for closing it are spurious." Ms Wootton said: "The stroke unit is really important - there is more work to do to keep that open, and local small hospitals across our constituency need saving."

Ms Montacute said: "I agree on the stroke unit - my dad had a stroke during covid and we weren't able to there with him. Public transport to Taunton or Dorchester isn't good enough."

Mr Fysh said: "I have been fighting for the stroke unit since 2014." Ms Bailhache did not reference the stroke unit in any of her comments about the NHS.

6. There are different views on how to fix the NHS and social care

On top of the stroke unit issue, the candidates had differences of opinion on how to rebuild the NHS and tackle the thorny issue of adult social care. Mr Dance said: "Early intervention is so important.

"We want more GPs and free social care in the home, and we need to build houses which are fit for the future, so you can be cared for in your own home. When my gran had Parkinson's, I could get the GP to come to our house - they can't do that any more.

"If you don't get public health funded at the start, that's when it starts to cost more." Ms Bailhache said: "We will have 20 per cent tax relief on private healthcare for those who have to go private because of the mismanagement of the NHS.

"There needs to be a review of all NHS PFI contracts - there are levels of spending and waste that are just eye-watering down there. Don't believe the Labour girl down there." Ms Montacute took umbrage with this, replying: "I think it's ludicrous to think that anyone in the NHS is not putting money where it's needed.

"We need change and we are committed to that, but your comments are a fantasy. I will ensure councils have long-term funding settlements so they can plan the care they need. They are struggling because of the austerity which started in the coalition."

Mr Ashton, who worked for the NHS for two years, said: "It's a numbers game - we need more bum-wipers, I'm afraid. I saw people who were taken out of bed, put in a chair with some food and then left there - that frightens me.

"Symphony and the ICB have foisted a bad booking system on our local doctors, which takes ages to get through. At my local surgery in Crewkerne, the average waiting time for reception has tripled."

Ms Wootton said: "As soon as we move NHS and social care together, we need to protect the NHS from privatisation - we need a commitment to it being free at the point of use." Mr Fysh said: "We will cap people's car costs at £86,000, which enables an insurance product to actually work.

"We will also raise the amount of funds people are allowed to keep, up to £100,000. I was arguing for this for a while, but establishing cross-party agreement has taken a long time.

"Whatever you think of Boris Johnson, he was very committed to getting that policy done."

7. The next government must not leave rural areas behind

The candidates were asked about the big local issues in their area that they would fight for if elected. In addition to saving Yeovil's stroke unit, Mr Dance said: "We need to ensure Crewkerne and Ilminster get a banking hub - not everyone can do everything online, and businesses need it.

"It's about having a MP fighting for the constituency, holding advice centres throughout the seat. I am here to serve you as local residents." Ms Wootton said: "There is a huge amount of pressure in this constituency around building more developments without services.

"There are so many brownfield sites which should be built upon, and so many empty homes. We want to invest in green initiatives, making sure we are looking SMEs and bringing our high streets back so we use things that are there for us."

Ms Montacute said: "Under the Conservatives, buses in rural areas have been hit the hardest. I'm determined to improve bus services locally - we need to keep them running and ensure Yeovil bus station stays there.

"We want to be the leader in green tech, and I will fight to bring those jobs to this area." Mr Fysh said: "I believe in this town, I believe in its people, I believe in its future.

"This is a critical election. We need to get the A303 dualled - we know the Ilminster bypass is unsafe.

"I want to see a new Octagon Theatre on the cattle market site and redevelop Glovers Walk." Ms Bailhache said: "My position is clear.

"The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result. We are anti-woke, anti-mass immigration - we represent a chance to change things."

The polls will be open on July 4 from 7am to 10pm, with the result being declared in the early hours of the following morning.