General Election 2024 - find out who's your new MP with our UK results gadget

A general view of the Houses of Parliament as general election results are compiled from across the country on July 5, 2024
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

UK households have today woken up to a new government. Labour has swept to power with a landslide victory in the General Election and new Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer promised to rebuild trust in politics and restore hope to the nation.

In his first speech in Downing Street, Sir Keir said the British people had voted "decisively for change" following 14 years of Conservative rule. Rishi Sunak apologised to the country and his party after he led the Tories to their worst-ever election result.

The political landscape of the UK was completely transformed overnight with the Lib Dems also making huge gains, and Reform and the Green Party winning seats. Meanwhile, the SNP lost dozens of MPs in Scotland. So who is your new MP? You can find out who represents your part of the country below.


While 300 constituencies changed hands, over 100 former MPs decided to stand down before the election, meaning millions of people have a new MP. Now the dust has settled on a historic election night, you can use our interactive gadget to check who is the MP representing your constituency.

Type in your postcode or constituency name into the interactive tool embedded below to see who won in the area where you live.

Speaking outside No 10, Britain's new Prime Minister said the country could "move forward together." He continued: "Have no doubt that we will rebuild Britain, with wealth created in every community. Our NHS back on its feet facing the future. Secure borders, safer streets, everyone treated with dignity and respect at work. The opportunity of clean British power, cutting your energy bills for good. Brick by brick, we will rebuild the infrastructure of opportunity."

After 648 of the 650 Commons seats had been declared, Labour had a majority of 176. Labour had 412 seats and the Tories 121, the worst result in the party’s history. However, the turnout figure stood at 59.85 per cent, the lowest at a general election since 2001.