General Election 2024: Why I’m an economist standing for the Green Party

-Credit: (Image: Edmund Cannon)
-Credit: (Image: Edmund Cannon)

An economist standing for the Green Party has said Labour and the Conservatives are “not being straight with the public” over the economy.

Edmund Cannon is a professor in economics at Bristol University, interested in “very technical and nerdy areas” of policy. He is also a town councillor in Keynsham, where he lives, and he’s standing as the Green Party candidate for the North East Somerset and Hanham constituency, going up against Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Mr Cannon said he joined the party because of the environment — but he also thinks there’s an economic case for voting for the Greens. He said most parties only paid “lip service” to the environment and warned: “It’s clearly not a priority for them.”

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He said: “It’s something they would like to do but it's a long way down the list of things they want to do. And that feeds into the fact that they are not spending the sums of money that are needed.

“Spending money on any public policy is going to be very challenging because the public finances are in a very bad state and I think various independent commentators such as the Institute of Fiscal Studies and the Financial Times have said that the Conservatives and the Labour Party are not being straight with the public about just how challenging it is.

“The Green Party does have a plan, and we are talking about spending significant sums of money and these — to be clear — are investments. We have to spend the money now to get the benefits in the future.”

He warned that investment rates in the United Kingdom had been low since the financial crisis. He added: “Those rates of low investment have fed through to low productivity and that just means that we have a smaller economy, a poorer economy, and therefore the way that you improve the economy is by investing.”

He is also keen to see more affordable social homes built. Mr Cannon said: “For me, part of the reason why the economy is stuck is young people cannot get into homes. Therefore their lives are put on hold, they can’t buy a house so people can’t have children, they can’t save for their pension. Home building has a big block on the economy.”

Mr Cannon said that, as an academic, he had been asked to provide research to government departments over the years and submitted responses to consultations he had been told had “significantly” influenced government policy. Pensions is his main professional area, and he said he worked with colleagues on reports for the Department of Work and Pensions during the Blair administration.

He said: “I am a person who likes looking at the detail of policy and thinking very carefully about how to design policy to ensure that it works. I mean, that's my background as an economist.”

So what are his thoughts on the Conservative’s “triple lock plus” — a plan to raise the personal tax allowance for pensioners in line with the state pension, so they do not have to pay tax on the state pension?

He said: “I think, for pensioners today, there is a minority of people we really do need to look after but let's be clear, [for] the vast majority of pensioners, what matters to them most is things like health — and therefore we need to be worrying out much more about how do we sort out the National Health Service than fiddling around with small things that affect comfortably off pensioners.”

He added that other concerns he had heard from pensioners were social care and travel. He said: “They get out their free bus pass but then of course when they get to the bus stop there is no bus because the bus services have been cut.”

The Green Party has said their aim at this election is to win four seats — of which one is nearby Bristol Central where Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer is standing. Does Mr Cannon think they can do it?

“Some economists make forecasts about what’s going to happen in the future and some sorts of economists don’t,” he said. “And I’m the sort kind of economist who doesn’t actually do forecasting, I’m more on policy design.

“So I’m not going to make strong forecasts. What I can say is what I hear from other Greens in the Green Party and what I hear when I’m talking to people on the doorsteps is that a very large number of people — not just in the four seats that everybody’s talking about — are saying we are really seriously considering the Green Party and we think what you’re saying makes ever such a lot of sense.

“We are a party that has a radical and original solution. We are trying to provide people with hope and with change so we can move forward.”

He added: “People are very friendly towards Green Party policies even when they are in other parties. [...] If we get our MPs elected, we could significantly and I think positively impact on what happens in Westminster because so many people are so friendly towards us.”

The full list of candidates standing for the North East Somerset and Hanham constituency is:

  • Barmy Brunch (Monster Raving Loony Party)

  • Edmund Cannon (Green)

  • Nicholas Hales (Independent)

  • Paul MacDonnell (Reform UK)

  • Dan Norris (Labour)

  • Jacob Rees-Mogg (Conservative)

  • Dine Romero (Liberal Democrat)