General election: Here are all the candidates standing in Monmouth

A picture of Monmouth taken by Alan Phillips of the South Wales Argus Camera Club <i>(Image: Alan Phillips of the South Wales Argus Camera Club)</i>
A picture of Monmouth taken by Alan Phillips of the South Wales Argus Camera Club (Image: Alan Phillips of the South Wales Argus Camera Club)

Ioan Belin

Ioan Belin
Plaid Cymru

Your connection to the constituency
My father and aunt were educated in Monmouth, my aunt and uncle still live in the constituency. I work for a regional MS Delyth Jewell who represents the area. 
Tell voters something about you
Working for Plaid Cymru representatives for 20 years I have experience in helping people when they face challenges or issues that need to get resolved, such as highlighting with Ministers about ambulance response times to the Grange Hospital. I have supported causes like the pension injustice of 1950s-born women. 
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency
The climate crisis has the biggest impact on us all. By working together we can start to mitigate the worst. A good first step would be for Wales to have full control of the Crown Estate in Wales, like they do in Scotland. 
What is the best thing about the constituency
The sense of community and civic society of Monmouthshire is a real strength. Faith groups, farming trade unions and schools organised hustings for all candidates, despite it being a snap election. 
What is your top priority if elected
Fairness for Wales. The Tories are toast, but we can influence the change ahead of us. Keeping a Labour Westminster Government in check. Not giving them a free pass to take our votes but then cast Wales’ interests aside and take us for granted.

Ian Chandler
Green Party

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David Davies

David Davies
Welsh Conservative Party

Your connection to the constituency
I started school at Sandy Lane Caldicot, then was brought up in Newport and moved to Monmouth in 1999.
Tell voters something about you 
After school I worked for my parents local haulage business, I served in the Territorial Army, and was special constable for eight years before become a Senedd Member then MP. 
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency 
The need to do more to support small businesses through lowering rates, getting the council to buy locally, offering more parking and solving the traffic problems.
What is the best thing about the constituency
The wonderful independent shops and the beautiful countryside. 
What is your top priority if elected
Stopping money being wasted on blanket 20mph speed limits and extra politicians in Cardiff Bay.

June Davies

June Davies
True and Fair Party

Your connection to the constituency
I used to live near Usk and now Redbrook. I am actively involved in constituency and cross-border affairs as charity trustee and local council chair. I’ve taught business and volunteered for community groups across Monmouthshire.
Tell voters something about you
I’m passionate about singing and sing with local a-capella choir, Kingfisher’s chorus. Often out and about raising funds for humanitarian causes we love to bring joy to care home residents and sing at community events.
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency
Poor political judgements and failure of both governments to work productively to address impacts of Brexit; reverse inequalities or deliver prosperity alongside a just transition to net zero. What is the best thing about the constituency
Monmouthshire is a place where connection to nature, connection to our heritage and un-relenting sense of community spirit are ever present wherever we wander.
What is your top priority if elected
Trust in politicians is at an all time low putting off talented people from engaging in politics. I aim to introduce an Ethics in Public Office Act enshrining standards, rules and structure for all UK ministers and public officials into law.

Catherine Fookes

Catherine Fookes (Image: Submitted)
Welsh Labour

Your connection to the constituency
I’ve lived in Monmouthshire for 25 years as a mum, school governor, smallholder, county councillor, and leading campaigner for women’s equality in work and in public life.
Tell voters something about you
I’m a farmer’s daughter and an environmentalist, committed to our countryside and rivers. In my downtime, I enjoy going to our sons’ gigs, swimming in the Wye, popping into our local pub and walking Beanie, our family dog.   
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency
The cost-of-living crisis is the number one issue raised on the doorstep. Mortgages, energy bills, the food shop – everything is so expensive after years of Conservative mismanagement of our economy. Monmouthshire’s families simply cannot afford five more years of the Conservatives. 
What is the best thing about the constituency
Monmouthshire people. Warm, welcoming, friendly and always there for each other in good times or bad.
What is your top priority if elected
Monmouthshire is one of the most unequal counties – wealth and relative poverty exist side by side. As your Labour MP, I will tackle inequality and fight everyone’s corner, boost living - standards, support job creation, and deliver stability.

Owen Lewis

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Emma Meredith
Heritage Party

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William Powell

William Powell (Image: Submitted)
Liberal Democrats

Your connection to the constituency
My family has lived and farmed in the Black Mountains (South Breconshire/North Monmouthshire) for many generations. Its historic market towns and stunning landscapes are the place I call home.
Tell voters something about you
I am a farmer and environmentalist; a qualified languages teacher and a team builder. I have been an elected county councillor for 20 years and served as a Senedd Member for five. I am motivated by a passion for public service, rather than self service.
What is the biggest issue/challenge in the constituency
To re-establish business confidence in our towns and the wider rural economy. By boosting the experience for locals and visitors, Monmouthshire will thrive once again.
What is the best thing about the constituency
Its stunning natural environment - from the Black Mountains in the north to the precious Gwent Levels in the south. The strength and resilience of its’ community and the rich tradition of volunteering sets it apart.
What is your top priority if elected
To clean up our rivers. We need action on the water companies and make the polluter pay.

Max Windsor-Peplow
Reform UK

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