What is Genny Lex? Brits coin divisive new term for General Election 2024

-Credit: (Image: PA)
-Credit: (Image: PA)

We had 'Platty Joobs' - now we have 'Genny Lex' or 'Genny Lec'. It's the term coined on social media for the 2024 General Election.

It was first sparked on social media after Rishi Sunak's bombshell announcement that the country would be heading to the polls six weeks ago. And it's popularity has shown no signs of slowing down as social media was awash with mentions of the contentious new nickname as people headed to the polls on July 4.

Not everyone loves it. "If I see one more person calling the general election the 'genny lex' I'm going to have a meaty b [mental breakdown]," quipped a user on X, the successor to Twitter. "Genny Lex sounds like someone who came 6th on Love Island, didn't get any brand deals and now sells crystals on TikTok live," another chimed in.

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One other added: "My daughter just informed me she’s voting in the genny lec today. The Genny Lec?! At least she’s voting, I guess #Elections2024."

And another fumed: "Just to clarify I will be muting anyone who calls it a 'genny lex' or similar derivative," one Twitter user remarked. "Saying 'Genny lex' is disgusting. And I loved platty joobs," another chimed in.

Regardless of opinions, 'Genny Lex' has captured the imagination of the meme-centric cyber populace, with references ranging from The Simpsons to Mean Girls and even Elton John being drafted to herald the upcoming electoral showdown.

The exit poll for the 2024 general election has predicted a huge Labour landslide with the party predicted to win 410 seats, and a majority of 170.