Germany Faces Opposition From Northern State to LNG Terminal

(Bloomberg) -- Germany is facing opposition from the regional government in the north of the country against a controversial LNG terminal project on the Baltic Sea island of Ruegen, according to the dpa press agency.

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Europe’s largest economy is building terminals as part of plans to replace Russian gas, and the project in Mukran is seen as key to securing flows in the winter.

Germany’s national parliament will vote Friday — the last sitting day before the summer break — on the project, including fast-track approvals similar to those that helped accelerate LNG terminals during last year’s energy crisis. However, the project faces opposition from the tourism industry and environmental activists.

The state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania lacks binding commitments from the federal government and under these circumstances, the project would be rejected, State Environment Minister Till Backhaus said Thursday, according to the dpa report.

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