Giant £42m Royal Stoke centre to be built on old Hanley Sainsbury's

A giant £42.6 million diagnostic centre is to be built on the site of a mothballed supermarket. The community diagnostic centre (CDC) will open on the old Hanley Sainsbury's site from 2025.

It will offer MRI, CT and ultrasound scans as well as X-rays without patients having to grapple with the parking issues at the Royal Stoke University Hospital. It will be operated by the Royal Stoke and employ 180 staff.

Royal Stoke deputy chief executive Helen Ashley said: “Plans are progressing at pace as we remain committed to ensuring that local people benefit from rapid access to a wide range of excellent tests, checks and scans. By increasing the number and type of tests we can do locally we will be able to reduce waiting times and help anyone needing ongoing treatment to receive the care and treatment they need quickly.

“Faster diagnostics is key to diagnosing a range of conditions, including cancer, as early as possible. If a patient needs more than one type of scan, the centre will aim to provide them in one visit to reduce travelling and waiting times for diagnoses.”

The Hanley CDC will have the capacity to deliver 85,000 checks, tests and scans every year. It will also provide physiology, pathology and endoscopy diagnostics.

The Etruria Road site has been vacant ever since Hanley Sainsbury's shut in January 2022. The news is a major boost for Hanley.

A Royal Stoke spokesman added: "The former Sainsbury’s site has been selected following an exhaustive process which looked at size, location, accessibility, and availability. It has good public and private transport links providing easy access for some who may otherwise find it difficult to get to the hospital. As an interim measure, additional MRI capacity has been provided through a mobile unit since August 2023 to support the busy winter period. The aim is to transfer this to the site in Etruria Road as part of the new development."

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