Glasgow Airport facing summer holiday chaos as strike action looms over staff being ‘routinely’ denied breaks

Glasgow Airport
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

Glasgow Airport could face summer holiday chaos this year, as strike action looms over claims that staff are 'routinely' denied breaks.

Travellers could face disruption on major holiday routes as potential industrial action poses threats to departure and arrival times. Security staff at ICTS Central Search said that colleagues were going without breaks, after working more than six hours, due to staffing issues.

Unite the Union, which represents the workers, said its members were reporting incidents relating to fatigue, exhaustion, and stress. As a result, the union say that they will have "no option" but to initiate an industrial action ballot that will coincide with the summer holiday rush.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Unite has been made aware of an alarming situation at Glasgow Airport which not only impacts on the wellbeing of workers but the security of all passengers. It is appalling that ICTS workers are being routinely denied their contractual breaks by management, and under no circumstances will this be tolerated.

“Unite will back our ICTS Search members all the way in their fight for better jobs, pay and conditions.”

CTS Central Search employ around 250 workers, who deal with passengers directly in the security search area, and process them for flights. The workers cover mobile patrols, control access posts, screen all deliveries and deal with emergency services at Glasgow Airport.

Unite understands the principal reason for the situation at ICTS Search is due to understaffing and shift patterns, which the union believes are not fit for purpose. It further confirmed it is in the process of contacting g the Health and Safety Executive, and the Central Aviation Authority amid the concerns it has for the security and integrity of the airport's search areas.

Elsewhere, a series of strikes are set to take place across the country this summer. On Tuesday, council employees across Scotland said they were considering walkouts just 24 hours before the general election takes place.

Care staff employed by local authorities threatened the industrial action would begin before voters go to the polls on July 4. GMB Scotland, which represents the care workers, said its members were currently in the process of being balloted for strikes.

The issue has been caused by an ongoing row over pay. Cleansing and waste services are also expected to be disrupted during warmer months with staff currently being balloted across 29 council areas.

Unite, which also represents council staff, confirmed it had served the notices to its members amid an escalating dispute over wages. Thousands of workers are expected to be balloted from June 5 until July 1.

If the action goes ahead, major events during summer could be affected including the Edinburgh International and Fringe Festivals. The only councils not involved in the cleansing walkout are Clackmannanshire, East Lothian, and the Orkney Islands.

Speaking on behalf of cleansing workers, Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Our members undertake vital frontline jobs. Despite the essential work they do, they have seen their pay eroded for years, they are simply no longer prepared to tolerate this situation.

“COSLA and the Scottish Government have been warned that they must do far more to meet the pay aspirations of our members. The blame for any strike action taking place will lie at their doors.

“We will back our members all the way in the fight for better jobs, pay and conditions in local government.”

A spokesperson for Glasgow Airport said: “While this is a matter for ICTS as the direct employer involved, we would make it absolutely clear that the security and wellbeing of everyone who either works at or travels through Glasgow Airport is always our number one priority.

“As we look forward to what will be a busy summer, we will continue to work closely with our ICTS colleagues to ensure they have the appropriate resource levels in place.”

The Record ICTS for comment.

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