Gloucestershire counselling charity opens new centre in city

The Listening Post team celebrate the opening of their new Gloucester centre
The Listening Post team celebrate the opening of their new Gloucester centre -Credit:Listening Post

A counselling and training charity in Gloucestershire say they are proud to announce the official opening of a new centre in Gloucester.

Located within St Mary de Lode Church, off St Mary's Square, Listening Post provides a professional counselling service to adult residents across the county who might otherwise face financial barriers to accessing such services. Clients can face challenges such as loss, bereavement, depression, relationship difficulties or past trauma.

The new centre will therefore act as a place for clients to be safe and also talk about their experiences in confidence and without judgement.

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Supporters of the charity gathered to celebrate the occasion and expressed their appreciation for the comfortable counselling rooms and welcoming atmosphere.

The Rt Revd the Lord Bishop of Gloucester, Rachel Treweek, who is a Patron of Listening Post, was honoured to officially open the new centre. Bishop Rachel said: "Within this season of Spring and Easter, of resurrection, wholeness and hope, it feels an appropriate time to be officially opening Listening Post at St Mary de Lode. When people come to Listening Post to be listened to, carrying their stories, may they find hope and restoration”. Supporters of the charity gathered to celebrate the occasion and expressed their appreciation for the comfortable counselling rooms and welcoming atmosphere."

A celebratory cake cut by Bishop Rachel to mark the opening of the new centre
A celebratory cake cut by Bishop Rachel to mark the opening of the new centre -Credit:Listening Post

This new Listening Post centre in Gloucester joins other centres in the county such as Hesters Way Community Centre in Cheltenham and Northcote House on Middle Street in Stroud.

For more information on Listening Post, you can find their website here.