Good chance Hungary will have to build fence on Romanian border - Hungary government

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary is ready to build a fence on its border with Romania to keep out migrants and there is a good chance that this cannot be avoided, Prime Minister Viktor Orban's chief of staff said on Thursday. "We are ready to erect a technical barrier on the Romanian border as well ... today there is significant chance that this cannot be avoided," Janos Lazar told a news conference. Lazar also said Hungary and the Visegrad group of Central European countries respected a proposal that the flow of migrants should be primarily tackled on the borders of Greece. "The real debate is about whether we help the Balkans countries or not," Lazar said, adding that if there was no second line of defence between Greece and the Schengen border, then Europe would leave Balkans countries on their own. (Reporting by Krisztina Than; Editing by Dominic Evans)