Grandad, 64, running first London Marathon will be wearing granddaughter’s bow

64 year-old David Niblock from Kidsgrove has run more than 20 marathons and is taking part in the 2024 London Marathon.
64 year-old David Niblock from Kidsgrove has run more than 20 marathons and is taking part in the 2024 London Marathon. -Credit:Stoke Sentinel

A 64-year-old man who has ran more than 20 marathons since he was in his fifties is now adding another to his list as he gets set for the London Marathon. David Niblock, from Kidsgrove, will be wearing his granddaughter's christening bow and a ring gifted by his daughter during his run this Sunday, April 21, as well as his MACS charity T-shirt.

The self-employed gardener has suffered from tendonitis, ballooned calves, and other running-related injuries including the constant feeling that there’s a stone in your shoe.

David took part in his first marathon in Manchester in 2013, and ran his second in Chester that same year. He got into running for charity after doing a charity run in Manchester, which he participated in to raise money for Cancer Research UK following a family member being diagnosed with the disease.

David said: “This is my first time running - or hobbling I should say - in the London Marathon. I’ve done Manchester, Blackpool, Chester, The Potteries, Snowdon, Birmingham, and I’ve also done lots of half marathons and 10k races.

“You get what they call runners' legs. You use different muscle groups and your legs get used to it, so the healing time takes slightly less. You wake up the next day feeling fine.

64 year-old David Niblock from Kidsgrove has run more than 20 marathons and is taking part in the 2024 London Marathon.
64 year-old David Niblock from Kidsgrove has run more than 20 marathons and is taking part in the 2024 London Marathon. -Credit:Stoke Sentinel

“People inspire you along the way and it’s great meeting new people - some people have mentored and helped me by handing down their own experience. The main thing is keep moving forward, it’s about finishing lines not finishing times.

“My personal best was in 2015 in Manchester, which I completed in four hours and 58 minutes, aged 55. My first run was in Birmingham in 2013 and I haven’t looked back since.

64 year-old David Niblock from Kidsgrove has run more than 20 marathons and is taking part in the 2024 London Marathon.
64 year-old David Niblock from Kidsgrove has run more than 20 marathons and is taking part in the 2024 London Marathon. -Credit:Stoke Sentinel

“The London Marathon is difficult to get into because so many people apply for the ballot places. I’m fundraising for MACS, which is a national charity helping children and adults with eyesight issues. I’m on just over £1300 at the moment.”

David’s fundraiser goal is £1500, and people can donate by clicking here.

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