Grandson of WW2 hero speaks of 'pride' as Durham attraction honours 'Wakenshaw gun'

Grandson of WW2 hero speaks of 'pride' as Durham attraction honours 'Wakenshaw gun' <i>(Image: Durham County Council / The Northern Echo)</i>
Grandson of WW2 hero speaks of 'pride' as Durham attraction honours 'Wakenshaw gun' (Image: Durham County Council / The Northern Echo)

The grandson of WW2 Victoria Cross hero has spoken of his pride after a display honouring his grandfather 82 years on from his sacrifice opened in Durham.

It comes as the anniversary of Adam Wakenshaw's heroic actions in Egypt approaches on 27 June, a battle which cost him his life in 1942.

(Image: Durham County Council)

The anti-tank gun, now referred to as the Wakenshaw Gun, has been installed at The Story, a cultural, heritage and registration venue in Durham.

Mark Wakenshaw said: "We feel a great sense of pride as a family that the gun is now on display at The Story and in such a picturesque position too.

"Mersa Matruh was a battle in the run-up to El Alamein, where my granddad is buried.

"We have visited, but now we have somewhere closer to home where we can come to remember him.

"It’s like a gravestone for us.

"This is where the gun should be, a place where the wider public can come to learn about the sacrifices of the lads of the Durham Light Infantry so we can prevent what happened then from ever happening again."

(Image: Durham County Council)

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Private Wakenshaw made unforgettable sacrifices during the Mersa Matruh battle in Egypt, on June 27, 1942.

His bravery kept the enemy away from a nearby infantry company, even after losing part of his arm and being fatally injured, which subsequently earned him a Victoria Cross.

The Wakenshaw Gun was carefully moved from its previous home in Spennymoor to The Story ahead of its opening on June 14.

Colonel Ted Shields MBE, chair of trustees of the DLI, said: “The Wakenshaw Gun is an important part of the DLI Collection and we are delighted to see it on display in The Story, especially knowing how much it means to the family and the Regiment."

(Image: Contributor)

Cllr Elizabeth Scott, Durham County Council’s Cabinet member for economy and partnerships, said: "It is a great honour to have the Wakenshaw Gun on display at The Story.

"A key aim of this venue is to shine a light on the stories of everyday people whose heroic acts and remarkable achievements are truly humbling.

"Private Wakenshaw’s selfless act of gallantry is a prime example, and we are proud to be able to tell his tale as part of the permanent exhibition at The Story."