‘The Great British Baking Show’: Kevin Had the Most Iconically Ridiculous Bakes of All Time

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Handout/Twitter
Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Handout/Twitter

As The Great British Baking Show reaches its final weeks of the season, the competition’s heating up, which means there’s no room for sloppy bakes or dull flavors. One of our favorite contestants has been skating along, staying on the show because of his good attitude and, er, creative bakes. On the most recent episode, the contestants were whittled down to the best of the best. And this baker, unfortunately, was sent home.

(Warning: Spoilers ahead for the most recent episode of The Great British Baking Show.)

Our beloved Kevin was eliminated on this week’s episode. Honestly, while we loved his goofy bakes, this was a long time coming. Kevin was sweet, funny, and kind, but he had a tendency to come up with the worst ideas ever, including dog poop, a chubby little spider, and way too much custard.

Again, he hasn’t been one of the worst bakers! Kevin just has a penchant for overcomplicated ideas that end up looking quite sloppy. The English music teacher started out with laughs: His first showstopper was called “Ba-Na-Na, That’s My Hame,” a Minions approach to Rihanna’s classic tune “What’s My Name?” After that, us Baking Show diehards knew that Kevin was going to deliver some true Hall of Fame bakes.

He went on to give us more musically-inspired bakes like “Please Bring Us Some Figgy Pizza” and “Sweet Breads Are Made of These” borrachitos. If there were a contest for best bake titles—which, I like to think there is one behind the scenes—Kevin would take the cake.

But in the last three episodes of GBBS, Kevin has delivered back-to-back showstoppers that have sent shivers down our spines. The one-two-three hit began with “What the Dog Dug,” an ode to…dogs digging up garbage, soil, and poop. He didn’t state this explicitly as he baked the dog treat cake, but it’s what I imagined as he piped grass and dirt into his cake. Delectable, Kevin. Truly, great work.

Last week, for Halloween, Kevin came up with “Arachna-FOMO,” a great spider idea that was unfortunately overshadowed by Syabira’s monstrous creepy crawler. Side-by-side, there’s no competition—Syabira wins, hands down, and Kevin should’ve gone home.

Nevertheless, he stayed for one more week, and thank goodness. Though he had a delightful meringue bake in store for the showstopper, Kevin’s custard was so wobbly that he couldn’t actually decorate the thing! He had to call in help from a trio of other bakers to hold the cake steady as he tossed meringues and piping on the top.

All of this said, Kevin was a good-spirited baker who was a pleasure to watch. His bakes usually tasted great, they were just too high concept to finish in a short amount of time. He’ll go down as one of the most beloved, hilarious bakers of all time. We love you, Kevin!

While it would be hilarious to watch three more episodes full of Kevin’s little beauties, alas, it’s time to let the powerhouse bakers take the reins. Maxy, Syabira, Sandro, Janusz, and Abdul have been putting up some of the best bakes in GBBS history. Honestly, going into the final batch of episodes, I have no idea who will go home next and who will win. What a fantastic final five!

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