Greater Manchester parents issued urgent warning after incident outside school

-Credit: (Image: Manchester Evening News)
-Credit: (Image: Manchester Evening News)

Parents have been urged to remind their children not to speak to strangers after a report of a man handing out business cards outside the gates of a grammar school.

A man wearing a green camouflage bucket hat pulled over his hat was reported to have been handing out business cards titled 'Project World Peace Harmony' on Granby Road close to Stretford Grammar School on Friday morning.

He was said to have spoken to a pupil who reported the matter to a teacher. A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said they have received a report of the incident and are monitoring the situation.

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A letter, seen by the Manchester Evening News, which was sent to parents outlined brief details of the incident. It said 'a man was seen by a member of teaching staff talking to several students'.

It continued: "He was asking them to hand out some cards to other students, he handed over a packet of business cards. He also spoke to a Year 10 student, again handing over a pack of the cards."

The student brought the cards to a teacher and now police have been alerted. Details of the script on the cards were outlined in the letter to parents. It reported the cards said 'your participation is required' via 'an incognito tab', before a link to a website which says 'the text that follows is presented purely in an attempt to bring peace and harmony to a world in great need'. It then trumpets what it says is based on Buddhist philosophy.

The man who was handing out the cards is middle aged, about 5ft 10in tall and was wearing a green camouflage bucket hat pulled down over his face, according to the alert to parents. He has a light brown beard, bloodshot eyes and wore ca brown top and brown trousers, said the note.

"Please can you remind your children not to speak to strangers and not to take anything form them," said the letter.