Greece joins Tenerife, Lanzarote and Majorca in demanding 'ban' on UK tourists

As anti-tourism sentiments rise across Europe, Greece has added its voice to those of Majorca, Tenerife, Lanzarote, and Menorca, in making a call for a 'ban' on British holidaymakers.

Graffiti with messages proclaiming "Tourists Go Home! Greek State Kills" have been appearing on Athenian buildings as part of this uproar. France24 reported that increased tourism is leading to skyrocketing property costs, causing hardships for Greek locals.

The report revealed that Greeks are spending more than 40% of their expendable income on housing, the highest percentage among European nations. Athens has now made headlines with its plea to curb 'over-tourism', as reported by BirminghamLive.


The city's buildings and walls have been defaced with large graffiti messages, including stark statements such as "Tourists Go Home! Greek State Kills". Other slogans seen around Athens include 'No Tourists No Hipsters' and 'Burn Airbnb'.

Despite these protests, Greece offered 'free' week-long holidays to about 25,000 tourists, predominantly from Britain, who were affected by the Rhodes wildfires in 2023, under the 'Rhodes Week' scheme. Reacting to the news, one individual commented: "Spain will suffer heavy losses without tourism. Greece could not survive. Be careful what you wish for."