Greece latest destination to join protest against tourists who 'wipe out traditional places'

Travellers walk with their luggage at an airport
The situation in the Greek capital has been described as "very depressing" by a local resident -Credit:Getty Images

A new popular European holiday destination is joining the list of places protesting against tourism. Brutal graffiti messages have been spotted across Athens, the Greek capital, as residents are calling for an end to 'over-tourism', with some saying they have been forced out of their homes.

Birmingham Live reports that the city has joined Tenerife, Lanzarote, Majorca, and Menorca in the protest, with unpleasant messages scattered on buildings. These read "Tourists Go Home! Greek State Kills", "No Tourists, No Hipsters", and "Burn Airbnb".

This comes as local residents say they have been forced out of their homes as a rising number of Airbnbs takes over the city, with tourists accused of "wiping out traditional places". Anna Theodorakis, was forced out of her home in Metaxourgio, Athens, and told France24 that the situation in the bustling city was becoming "very depressing".

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"I think the answer is to go in the streets and block everything and just not do something because people are losing their homes," she said. A property developer explained: "Eighty per cent of this neighbourhood are Airbnbs. Tourists who come here want to see the Greek culture, so if no more Greeks are living here, tourists won't want to come."

In April, Greece launched 'free' week-long holidays for around 25,000, mainly British, tourists who fled the 2023 Rhodes wildfires, as part of the 'Rhodes Week' initiative. In reply to the story, a Brit said: "Spain will suffer heavy losses without tourism. Greece could not survive. Be careful what you wish for."

A second said: "Well if this spreads across all European holiday destinations, that will be the end of holidays abroad, unless you are wealthy, and can afford to go long haul. These countries will have their economies ruined, but it would also mean mass redundancies here, when travel agents, airlines and the rest, will no longer be required."

And a third typed: "I think the problem is with Air b&b. Back in the day, tourists stayed in hotels or rented villas through reputable companies. Now, anyone can…and does…rent out anywhere so there are way more places for people to stay more cheaply than hotels. So popular places are being swamped."