Greece Rows With EU As Bank Shutdown Continues

The European Union's top executive has said he "feels betrayed" by Greece's behaviour during recent negotiations to stop the country from crashing out of the euro and defaulting on debts.

Jean-Claude Juncker also urged Greek voters to support a fresh bailout plan from creditors in Sunday's referendum, even though the government is pushing for a "No" vote.

The European Commission president even suggested that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was failing to tell his people "what is really at stake" in the referendum, which led a government spokesman to question Mr Juncker's "sincerity".

On Tuesday, Greece is due to pay €1.55bn to the International Monetary Fund - on the same day that its current bailout programme expires.

Mr Tsipras has spoken to Mr Juncker by phone since the remarks were made, and during the call, renewed his pleas for the looming bailout deadline to be extended by a few more days.

As the financial crisis deepens, banks and the country's stock exchange are remaining shut until 7 July, and the daily limit on withdrawals from cash machines has been cut to just €60.

To reduce financial stress on its citizens, the Greek government has also made public transport free in Athens, with fares scrapped on the capital's metro and bus network. The policy will benefit up to 40% of the population nationwide.

Concerned British tourists who are heading to Greece have been told the ATM limits will not apply to foreign debit cards - but in practice, some cash machines may not be able to tell the difference.

The Association of British Travel Agents is advising visitors to take all of the euros they may need in cash, but says credit and debit card transactions in shops and restaurants will be unaffected.

Chancellor George Osborne has confirmed the Foreign Office is now urging holidaymakers to take enough cash to cover all expenses - as well as potential emergencies - while they are in Greece.

Meanwhile, European stock markets have fallen sharply as nervous investors fear the ramifications of a Greek debt default, with the euro weakening further against the pound and dollar.

In Athens, locals have been queuing in sweltering temperatures to withdraw their cash allowance, in what has widely been described as 'Black Monday'.

Chris Bakas, who is unemployed and was one of those waiting patiently in line, said: "No money, no hope, how did we get in this situation?"

Other member states in the Eurogroup, which has been conducting the negotiations, have said "the door is always open" for further talks with Greece - but some expressed their frustration at how talks collapsed when both parties were "a few centimetres" from a deal.

Mr Juncker has promised Brussels will not seek further cuts to pensions or wages in any reform deal pushed on Athens, one of Greece's main concerns.