Green light for new homes on development land in Dorset

Plan showing proposed homes on land near Knighton House, Knighton Lane, Poole (Picture: Scott Worsfold Associates Chartered Architects)
-Credit: (Image: Scott Worsfold Associates Chartered Architects)

Plans for a rural-style development of 20 new homes in east Dorset have won the backing of planners. The scheme, on land next to Knighton House on Knighton Lane in Poole, has received planning permission from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council.

Ken Parke Planning Consultants (KPPC) secured approval for the outline proposals, which include 16 houses and four flats, on behalf of the landowner. Eight of the properties will be affordable homes.

Road improvements, parking, garages, cycle storage, electric vehicle charging points and a pond are also planned. The developers have also pledged to make contributions to local services and infrastructure, including schools, GP provision, offsite open space and sustainable transport.

Biodiversity enhancements, such as landscaping, bat and bird boxes, bee bricks and native tree planting, are due to be included in a more detailed reserved matters application as well as renewable energy features.

The rectangular shaped strip of land falls within the northern part of an area zoned for at least 800 homes in the Poole Local Plan. It will form a buffer between Knighton House and what will be a major and more suburban development to the south.

The development of 695 properties – Canford Park – already has hybrid planning permission on the land to the south, including shops, workspace, offices and a care home.

“We are pleased to have secured this planning permission for our client," said Ken Parke, managing director of KPPC. “Close and timely collaboration with partners in the project also played a key role in the submission of a comprehensive, convincing and ultimately successful application which was compliant with policy and overcame a number of objections.

“The result will be an attractive and high-quality development which reflects its semi-rural setting and the heritage of nearby of Knighton House and its hamlet, while delivering a mix of much-needed affordable and open market homes.”

Partners in the project included ABR Ecology, Extreme Assets, Paul Basham Associates, Richard Nicholson Arboricultural Planning Consultant, Scott Worsfold Associates Chartered Architects and Sturt & Company.

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