Grieving families turn out to opening day of NI Covid 19 inquiry

Dozens of families who lost loved ones during the pandemic turned out to the Clayton Hotel in Belfast on Tuesday for the opening day of the Northern Ireland leg of the UK coronavirus inquiry.

The inquiry will take place for the next three weeks and will focus on how the pandemic was dealt with by those in power in Northern Ireland and if things could have been done differently.

The inquiry, chaired by Baroness Heather Hallett, heard a number of opening statements during its first day sitting while a 20 minute victim impact video was shown to those present.

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Just 30 minutes out of the three-week inquiry was provided to a representative of the Northern Ireland Covid Bereaved Families for Justice group.

Marion Reynolds, who lost her aunt Marie during the first wave of the pandemic in 2020, told the inquiry of the pain of family members being unable to visit Marie while she was admitted to two hospitals and a care home after testing positive for Covid.

Among the families who formed a demonstration outside the inquiry on Tuesday was Lauren Mallon.

Glenavy man Raymond McAleese was just 52 when he passed away at Antrim Area Hospital in September 2021.

His niece Lauren (24) said that as her uncle “had no human rights in life or death” and she was passionate about raising awareness of what happened to him.

But she also said she feels her uncle was “written off” as a recovery prospect because he had Down’s Syndrome and diabetes.

“There was never any discussion about putting him on a ventilator,” she said.

“Other treatment options were not considered.”

“The most vulnerable were let down during the pandemic and that is wrong,” she said.

Lauren Mallon pictured with her uncle Raymond McAleese who died after contracting Covid 19
Lauren Mallon pictured with her uncle Raymond McAleese who died after contracting Covid 19 -Credit:Submitted

“Prior to our experience, we thought vulnerable people were protected but now I know that legislative change is needed, both in Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.

“I do not want another family to go through what we’ve been through.”

Lauren added: “We haven’t heard a lot of disabled stories and it’s very important that their voices are heard too.”

“When he was alive, Lauren said Raymond had to fight for everything, including a place at a day care centre.

“He’s not here anymore so I will continue to fight for him,” she said.

“Raymond was such a central part of our family. We didn’t realise just how central until he was gone.

“He was our light and he was so very special. His death has been devastating for all of us.”

Much of the evidence heard at Tuesday’s inquiry focused around apparent dysfunction within the Stormont Executive at the onset and during the pandemic.

While it was submitted that NI had lower death rates across the whole pandemic compared to the rest of the UK and much of Europe, it was said that the country was ‘18 months behind’ others when it came to how prepared it was for a pandemic.

Council for the inquiry Ms Clair Dobbin KC says there are fundamental questions around whether there was a 'significant underestimation' of the speed and the scale of how the pandemic was unfolding within the Executive.

"Just coming back to that fundamental point, it was March 2020, looked at now there's an obvious question as to whether or not there was a significant underestimation of the speed and the scale of what was unfolding, there's very little sense of urgency about the need to plan and respond within the Executive."

A number of Whatsapp messages due to be examined throughout the inquiry were referenced within the opening statements, including one from senior civil servant Sir David Sterling describing a meeting of the ministers on 19 March 2020 of the Executive as 'excruciating'.

The message from the civil servant said there was 'no leadership on display at all'.

The inquiry also heard how Whatsapp messages from the ministerial mobile phones of then First Minister Arlene Foster and Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill were not able to be recovered after they were ‘wiped’ as the pair left office.

Both Foster and O’Neill are expected to appear as witnesses at the inquiry in the coming weeks, as is Health Minister Robin Swann and Chief Medical Officer Michael McBride.

The inquiry resumes on Tuesday.

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