Grim fish-like bugs that lay 60 eggs a day and eat your skin could be living in your walls

Silverfish sitting on wood, extreme close up with high magnification, focus on eyes
Silverfish could be living in the walls of your home -Credit:Getty Images/iStockphoto

Bugs that produce 60 eggs a day, consume 'dead skin and hair' could be living in the walls of Brits' homes. Silverfish, notorious for infesting UK homes, may be lurking unnoticed in small crevices, laying dozens of eggs each day and potentially spreading harmful side effects, according to an expert.

The small gaps in skirting boards and behind appliances like washing machines are prime hiding spots for these unwelcome guests, says a specialist who spoke to the Daily Star. The expert also shed light on how to eradicate these pests and their annoying 'moulting process'.

Paul Blackhurst, head of the technical academy at Rentokil, said: "In large numbers, silverfish can cause damage to books, photographs, paintings, plaster, and other household items containing starch or cellulose."


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"They are particularly attracted to food sources like paper, book bindings, and damp clothing, and they will also feed on human debris such as dead skin and hair. Whilst they are not known to carry pathogens that can cause disease, they can cause allergic reactions in some people."

Reports have surfaced that silverfish, a common household pest, are capable of laying up to 60 eggs per day, raising concerns over potential mass infestations. A significant outbreak in 2021 highlighted the prolific breeding capabilities of these insects, reports the Daily Star.

The vile insects are capable of laying 20 to 60 eggs a day -Credit:Getty Images/iStockphoto

While silverfish are not toxic, they can cause considerable distress if not managed properly. Mr Blackhurst has pointed out that "skin irritation" is an unpleasant consequence of contact with silverfish.


He explained: "This is because silverfish shed their skins throughout adulthood in a process known as 'moulting'. The particles produced by this process can mix with dust and trigger an allergic reaction in some people who are more sensitive to skin irritation."

Eradicating silverfish infestations presents a challenge, according to Mr Blackhurts, who adeed: "Silverfish eggs are usually difficult to locate, as they are often hidden in tiny cracks or crevices. Prevention is better than a cure for silverfish."

To combat these pests, the use of dehumidifiers to tackle damp conditions and the removal of accessible food sources, which could be feeding the silverfish, are recommended strategies by the Rentokil expert.