grown-ish Kicks Off Final Episodes With Major Junior/Annika Drama, a Luca Update and a black-ish Cameo

School is almost out for grown-ish, which returned to Freeform on Wednesday with the first of its final nine episodes ever.

Fresh off his split from Annika, Junior entered the second half of Season 6 completely focused on becoming an entertainment manager, gaining (and losing) his first major client in the same episode. Apparently Junior needs an office to be taken seriously, so he turned to the one person he knew would have his back — or so he thought.

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Instead of co-signing Junior’s lease, Dre (special guest star Anthony Anderson!) co-signed some tough love, telling his son, “I believe you’re going to do great things… One day. But as your father, I can’t help you get in over your head.” Thanks for playing, Junior. Better luck next time.

Junior’s personal life didn’t fare much better this week. Annika froze and ran in the opposite direction when she accidentally came face to face with her ex at his frat’s party, and their friends — Kiela, Zaara and Lauren — resented feeling like collateral damage in their messiness. As Kiela put it, “I thought divorce was supposed to be fun. Like, two Christmases and a super hot young stepdad.”

Elsewhere in the premiere…

* Sensing that her relationship with Doug was progressing to a serious place, Sloane decided it was time to tell him that she still lives with her ex, from whom she technically never got divorced. She and her husband sleep in separate rooms, but that wasn’t enough for Doug, who wisely decided to end things before they got complicated. Or at least before they got more complicated.

* Aaron was also ready to call off his situationship with Edie after she flaked on him to grade some papers. He even drafted an entire text message about how they should “clap cheeks” separately, but she reached out for another booty call before he got a chance to send it.

* Most importantly, via an offhanded comment from Kiela about her winter break, we learned that Luca is now — wait for it — a raw vegan. Fine, it’s not the most exciting reveal, but you have to appreciate the imagery of Luca throwing a Christmas ham out the window.

Are you glad to be reunited with the Cal U crew? What are your hopes for grown-ish‘s final episodes? Grade the midseason premiere below, then drop a comment with your thoughts.

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