Hairy Bikers star Dave Myers leaves huge fortune for wife after death from cancer

Hairy Bikers star Dave Myers has left a huge windfall for his wife after his death from cancer aged 66. The ITV and BBC chef left £1.4million windfall for his wife — with her being named sole shareholder of his firm after his death.

Myers has been ended as a person with significant control of Sharpletter Limited. Wife Liliana, 57, has been given full control of the company after Dave tragically died following a brave cancer battle back in February, sparking many tributes.

Speaking about his wife previously, Dave said: "It was love – or rather lust – at first sight. Not on her part probably! She was the manager of our hotel. As Lil showed us our rooms she was very serious, I said, 'Cor! She's gorgeous!' But Si thought she was scary."

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The pair hit it off and got hitched six years later in Dave's hometown of Barrow, Cumbria, in 2011. They were joined by friends and family, including Si, who was his best man. Reflecting on their wedding day, Dave joked to the Mirror: "I didn't propose.

"She's still waiting! There was all this kerfuffle about papers so we talked about it and decided we should get married to secure the relationship. We were dead sure it was right and her mum and dad were coming over so we did it.

"We did end up having 400 people there. It was an epic. It was off the cuff, it just grew." Liliana has taken over Dave’s shares in the firms he co-owned with presenting partner Si, 57. Dave and Liliana met during filming of Hairy Bikers in 2006 in Romania, where she worked in a hotel.

The couple married in 2011 and Dave became stepdad to her two children. Si announced the news in a heartbreaking statement shared on social media two months ago.