Hamilton Accies boss hails pre-season exercise against Cumbernauld Colts

Hamilton Accies boss John Rankin was pleased with their friendly against Cumbernauld Colts
-Credit: (Image: HAFC)

Hamilton Accies boss John Rankin said Cumbernauld Colts gave his side a good run-out in this afternoon’s pre-season friendly, but the most important thing was everybody got through the game unscathed.

A strong Accies side were 3-0 up by the interval, thanks to a Lee Kilday double and a strike by Scott Martin, with young Findlay Cameron adding a late fourth.

Lowland League side Colts showed flashes in the game, but never really went close to scoring until Robbie McGale had a shot cleared off the line late on.

Rankin said: “These exercises are always really useful. We played Cumbernauld Colts last season, I thought they were a good outfit, a good side, well-organised.

Accies were 3-0 up by the interval against their Lowland League opponents
Accies were 3-0 up by the interval against their Lowland League opponents -Credit:Andy McGilvray

“When we got the opportunity to play them again this season I thought it would be good for us.

“I was delighted to get minutes under their belts, there were lots of good parts and obviously stuff we need to work on .

“You can see they’re rusty, that’s always going to be the case – they’ve only been training for nine days and then they’ve got a game.

“I’m delighted, everybody got 60 minutes, nobody got injured, there are no knocks, so I’m delighted with that.

Hamilton's starting line-up got 60 minutes before being replaced by youngsters
Hamilton's starting line-up got 60 minutes before being replaced by youngsters -Credit:Andy McGilvray

“Lee got two good goals, Scotty’s goal is really good, the way we worked together to try and get the ball back was good, so I was pleased with that and young Findlay scores at the end.

“It was good for the kids to get involved as well, but everybody got through it, and that was the most important thing.

“Colts played football, they tried to do things in the right way and I thought it was a worthwhile exercise. It was really worthwhile for us.”

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