Hammer-wielding man tried to smash his way into East Kilbride home

-Credit: (Image: Hamilton Advertiser)
-Credit: (Image: Hamilton Advertiser)

A night watching television turned to terror for an East Kilbride couple when a hammer-wielding neighbour tried to smash his way into their home.

Andrew Watt then threatened police officers with a golf club before eventually giving himself up.

Watt, 38, was jailed for two years at Hamilton Sheriff Court this week.

He admitted attempted housebreaking, assault and threatening or abusive behaviour in Talisman Place on December 22.

Watt also admitted carrying offensive weapons and breaching a bail order imposed a month earlier that was designed to keep him away from his neighbours.

He and an unnamed individual were armed with a crowbar, sledgehammer and golf club when they went to the home of Watt's neighbours about 9pm.

Gemma Trosh, prosecuting, said: "The neighbours were watching TV when they heard shouting and glass breaking. They were both extremely fearful.

"They saw Watt, who had a hammer, breaking the living room window. Another window was smashed and the accused shouted 'Yous are f****** getting it'.

"His focus then switched to the front door and he smashed the glass panel.

"Police officers arrived and Watt ran towards his own property, produced a golf club, brandished it at the police and shouted What the f*** do you want?'

"A siege resulted and public order officers attended. Some time later, and after much persuasion, the accused made himself available and was arrested."

Defence lawyer Andy Thomson said Watt had been drinking and taking cocaine. He remembers "very little" about the incident.

Mr Thomson stated: "There are mental health issues, no doubt brought about by his drug and alcohol addictions, but he had been doing well on a court supervision order.

"He has, quite sensibly, given up his tenancy in Talisman Place.

"His record does him no favours but he is trying to turn his life around."

Sheriff Liam Murphy told Watt: "Everyone should feel safe in their home and the victims here should have had the added security of a court order preventing you from entering their address.

"Given your record and the nature of these offences, there is no alternative to custody."

The two-year sentence was backdated to December 26 as Watt has been in custody since his arrest.

The sheriff also imposed non-harassment orders, banning him from any contact with his former neighbours for five years.

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